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Have a chuckle.

Even worse working remotely

Another shining example of voter suppression, folks. This is American democracy. Link below:
“Kentucky cutting number of polling places for Tuesday’s primary from 3700 to 200
There will be one polling place for 616,000 registered voters in Louisville’s Jefferson County, where half of the state’s black voters live.”
What should I get my husband for Christmas?
On wearing 😷 😭

Shaved my head. Feels good to be bald!
How many DMs can I send out in a day?
Go back to crying into your pillow
Rising Star
I think you might have posted this in the wrong thread. If not, thuh fuk?
Rising Star
Shut up man
This may surprise you, but there are actually safe activities outside of your house that people don’t want shut down
Once people started acting responsibly in my area, activities like golf, hiking, visiting town/county/state parks were allowed during lockdown.
The problem is that you can be mostly safe with small, very socially distance groups. But you have people who will go in large groups and stand right next to each other even when you have a great big open space. Or not bother to wear a mask and give a wide berth when passing strangers on a path. Ruins it for the rest of us.
Well, well aren’t we feeling virtuous today!
Rising Star
No, not virtuous, just stating facts. It only takes a few to ruin things for the rest of us, and after 9 months of lockdown, I’ve passed the point of frustration. It’s a simple fix.
True. But I will give a pass to the people who are effected from a business or work perspective.
Rising Star
SER 👏 I 👏 OUS 👏 LY 👏
I’m a huge local business supporter. I don’t want these places to close. Shutdowns are terrifying to my friends who own bars and restaurants. I keep seeing that being the argument from all these COVID-ain’t-no-thang people and.. Guess what? You can actually............. STILL GIVE THEM MONEY without receiving services to help extend their runway. My SO and I never stopped patronizing the places we cared about, whether we could go there or not
If you’re pissed about non-essential closures because of the impact on your life, give some thought to whether you’re parasitic
Rising Star
AD1, I’m with you. We have to assist the small businesses with weathering the storm, what we have done to them is disgusting
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