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EY-Building a Butter Working World
Is your saving account your emergency fund? If it is, I recommend putting it in a HYSA like Ally.
If you have an emergency fund already. You can open a brokerage account with Vanguard/Fidelity.
I’d also recommend funding an IRA if you haven’t already, and you can do the same thing through Vanguard/Fidelity etc.
The great news is, 24 is still incredibly young so don’t lament not starting earlier. You’re in a great position to start now! I’d recommend to fully fund both your 2020 and 2021 Roth IRA before opening a brokerage account. The money invested in Roth IRAs grow tax free forever, and with the 6k annual limits from 2020 and 2021 you can put in 12k today. (I assume you don’t hit the income limit, but check first).
Please DO NOT go all in on GME. You could make money or lose all of it, so I strongly encourage you to assess your risk tolerance and only go in on any of this speculation (NOK, AMC, BB, DOGE, etc) if you’re willing to lose the money.
I’m not a financial advisor, but I’d start investing slowly and not dump all of your money into stocks in one day. It can be disheartening as a new investor to throw down a couple grand in a couple of stocks only to see it go down immediately. Start with a couple grand today in a few carefully selected stocks/ETFs and watch it, buying the dips in increments.
Also, don’t try to time the market. Time in the market > timing the market. Invest for the long term, 3-5 years. Do your DD to find strong companies that you believe in and/or focus on etfs.
Diversify into micro, small, mid, and large cap stocks/etfs, across industries. I just set up my parents investing strategy to take them through retirement and made sure they had a spread across every sector. Vanguard has a great selections of ETFs to hit all caps and sectors with low expense ratios.
Pick some index funds: S&P like SPY/VOO, tech like VGT, etc.
@KPMG1 it’s so you feel good about yourself if your more risk adverse.
Definitely not in NOK, that’s for sure
Rising Star
Lol TC1 - I got $7 calls for March and deep in the red because of yesterday lmao
No advice on investing but 24 is young, my friend. Don’t be hard on yourself.
60/40 GME/BBBY
Margin of safety... does not appear so
GME infinite squeeze
GME or bust
Everybody knows that stonks only go up
Figure out your risk for yourself. Do you want to do more aggressive or more conservative? If you choose 50/50, then it's time to start picking stocks. Conservative? Maybe Vanguard ETFs, just SPY, QQQ, etc. Aggressive? Have some fun, pick some stocks! EV, Weed, green energy, tech, etc
I mean, 100% GME, this is an incredibly rare occurrence for a stock to be short this much. I'm not an advisor do whatever you want lol
The market is down today, might actually be a good time to jump in! I have 30/70 in individual stocks/Index funds and ETFS. So MSFT,BABA,AAPL,DIS and then VTI,ARKG,WCLD,QCLN.
Thanks for the responses all, much appreciated!
RIDE - very good prospects for next one year
The largest ticker in my portfolio is VGT and I’ll continue to add to it for years to come. Pretty safe but greater returns than SPY
Ride an Index for long term passive income growth. Vanguard funds are low cost, VIGAX is a favorite
Suggest the VUG etf. The returns over 6 years have been really good. And discipline yourself to out in atkeast 2k each month. Perspective 4k/month over 10 years and compound interest at 15 percent on an etf could give you over 4M.
Rising Star
Some ETFs have 5Y growth rates of 300-700%. Should I avoid those until they drop? The idea being they are at the peak of a bubble?