I don’t work in big law, but some of my classmates,who are going into big law, are bragging about the low number of billable hours they are required to hit. I’m hearing 1,600-1,800 billable hours. Is this actually true? Are some firms paying Cravath and only requiring 1,600 for the year? I know it depends on the firm, but can anyone actually confirm this is their experience? If so, then I’m a little jealous 🙃
Similar boat. I have 1cr in stocks though, will probably keep in india and let us grow and eventually invest in RE. Moving it to the US will
Instantly subject it to crazy taxes. Also if you haven’t been filing FBARs as u grew your FD (assuming u kept contributing it from the US), you might be subject to penalties
Individual stocks or mutual funds?
Are you taxed higher on gains since you are an NRI?
Did not invest from US. Thanks, yes, FBARs are a big problem too - depleting my savings here in taxes
Let that money stay in India and invest in the Indian broad stock market (like S&P500 here). And if you want to hedge the currency conversion rate, you can do USD/INR option calls
Bring to us
But not to US?
I read Halwa
Won't it be double charged? If you have used this method before please help me out with some guidance
Same - I have $5m currently kept it invested in my parents name in mutual funds, stocks etc
Haven’t decided. But don’t need it for now.
What’s wrong with having money McKinsey ?
Similar situation. My parents have money in India, but they want to spend significant time in Canada after retirement in 5 years. Should they start transferring now, to get ahead of exchange rate?
I think it is better to transfer at once. You will have lot of paperwork to avoid taxes etc so it is better to do it once