If you live in a multi-gen home with immunocompromised family members, is that factored in for the vaccine prioritization?

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Vincent van....NO


In WA it is

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WIDA people.
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1 data point but maybe positive data point? Less cases in the last 24 hours than before.

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I need a permanent remote working position in next 2 months for the span of 2 years as I need to travel to US as my wife for 3-4 months and then come back to India to stay with my parents. Let me know if there are any openings and opportunities


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What should be done in this case ??

UST Global

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Additional Posts in The Worklife Bowl

Happy Easter 🐣🐇🐰


White noise machines in the home office are a god send.


I am beyond frustrated with myself. I hate my social anxiety. It’s prevented me from succeeding and I’m at my breaking point. I get major anxiety from speaking...I wasn’t always like this, but I developed a fear of speaking/speaking up.
I tried Toastmasters but I quit because I was scared. I tried alcohol in a water bottle during the day to ease my nerves (👎🏻). I started a new job, and made the worst first impression bc of this. What do I do? Try toastmasters again? Get a nonspeaking job? Help!!


Let’s say you talk to someone all throughout quarantine and everything is perfect. But then you finally have a date but there’s no spark? How do you proceed?


Has your firm sent a company-wide email on the Amy Cooper situation? If not, have you experienced other instances of them not being sensitive to these types of discrimination?


Everyone! I need your help! I was laid off due to a reduction in force certainty impacted by COVID-19! I am based in Atlanta, Georgia and I am currently seeking Business Analysts, Project Manager, Scrum Master, or Product Manager opportunities. Please, any help is appreciated. Thank you.


Watching the RNC for the jokers.... Nikki Haley is giving me heartburn, someone get rid of her


I just got my mom and dad an appointment to the vaccine next weekend. I didn’t realize how afraid I was for their health until the wave of relief hit knowing my anxiety will have an end soon. I hope we all can close the chapter soon on this incredibly stressful time.


How does one start working out? I have always been a very thin person and used to play sports to remain active. but as I step into late 20s I feel the need to “work out” by hitting the gym and eating/drinking the right stuff (whey protein?). Complete noob here so let me know where or how I start. I have access to a building gym with basic things.


It’s such a weird feeling to be doing the beginning of client call banter and have them say “so I went to a movie in person this weekend” and everyone oooh’s and ahhh’s asking how it was 😂


If you have an active personal auto policy with Progressive at the end of April and May, you’ll receive a credit for 20% of your April and May premium. They may offer more credits in the future.


Struggling- It's so hard to work in an environment that's trying to move towards being tech savvy (teams meeting, automated systems, heavy email communication), when you have team members who refuse to change. It makes my job very hard because I need these parties to approve certain things before I can move forward in my role. It's gotten to the point I dread coming to work. Management is aware of the issue (others have complained too) but little is being done. #jobhunting


Best standing desk for value?
And or/ cheapest functioning standing desk?


How can I start leaving my puppy alone without him whining and barking? We’re always home so he’s here in our apt. But when I walk outside he barks for a long time


For those that can’t download the mousemove.exe on client laptop but also DGAF about work sometimes.

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Where are the sugar daddies that are allergic to sugar at? 😭😂


Anyone know of a good office chair that can recline and keep that recline in place? Ao far I've only seen chairs that recline but don't stay that way


To my other Florida resident fishes, be careful! We are all in this together. If anyone needs assistance after the storm, please feel free to reach out.

This sounds silly considering this will be the last place you're going to look, but just know, we are here.
