Conversation Starter
Rising Star
Are you positive you will get vaccinated and if not let's discuss.
I’ve been working to an unhealthy degree lately. And I’ve been making the excuse that I have a lot of work right now, but I’m starting to wonder if I’m addicted to it. Part of it is anxiety and perfectionism. But my behavior is now actively harmful to myself and starting to harm my marriage. How do I stop? I’m not talking work-life balance. I mean, how do I say, “I don’t care that the client wants this tomorrow and I’m not close to done, I’m going to sleep tonight”?
Random thought as I'm looking at home repairs...why isn't home insurance similar to health insurance, where preventive maintenance gets some sort of coverage to reduce risk of disaster? Feels like a big scam (i guess that part is my confession).
Are you happy where you work? Please share, so I can apply. 10-12hr days is draining the life out of me. There’s more to that, I just don’t have the brain capacity to rant. I just want to hear from all the happy producers out there so I know you exist.
Anxiety level off the chart this year. Still PTSD from 2016. Only two more days to go.
About to purchase home fitness equipment using the EY $500 fitness program allowance. so i just buy with my personal card and submit claim form? have you ever gotten denied?
Tips/tricks to avoiding free office snacks? I’m a former fat kid who can’t help stress eating on deadline.
Can anyone offer advice for helping with adderall side effects? I was diagnosed a few months ago and I am new to medication. I have been taking 20 mg xr in the morning but have a terrible crash around 2/3pm each day where I just get very very tired. Doctor recommended 10mg ir mid day to combat but I still experience pretty severe fatigue as a side effect. Just wondering if anyone has found any natural strategies to cope or mitigate. Thanks!
Update: a couple weeks ago I posted about disclosing my diagnosis to HR at my firm. We had a meeting ab 2 weeks ago and have been continuing the convo since. The firm is giving me a lot of the accommodations that I asked for, incl. daily reminders for time entry, written/verbal instructions, and weekly meetings with a mentor to review what I’m working on and help me plan/stay on track. There are still some pieces being worked out, (cont’d in comments)…
Whether you’re eating a big Easter meal with family or not today, get outside and get moving! Movement is one of the pillars for peak health and is especially important for us desk job people whenever we have the chance!
Girlfriend has very obvious high functioning anxiety and body image issues that she admits but thinks she doesn’t need therapy or medication and that reading self-help books will help her. It’s not changing in the last several years and it’s impacting our relationship. Anyone have experience with their SO dealing with untreated anxiety? I know I can’t control her but would like to express my feelings without sending her into a spiral. For context, I’ve been in therapy for 12 months and medicated
One of the research scientists was talking about cytotoxic autophagy and I actually understood part of what he was saying, I guess I've been working here for awhile
How have people been handling quarantine? What life lessons have you picked up?
Any solutions for back pain? In the middle of my second trimester, and my back has been aching, especially when I need to travel for work or have a lot of activities to do (reorganizing, grocery shopping, etc.). I sleep with a pregnancy pillow, but was wondering if any pregnant mamas have some recommendations for pain during the day.
Hope everyone is doing well and happy, recovering from the heart break ❤️
Any other BigLaw associate going through IVF? About to do a round and the meds just totally wreck me. Any tips for managing stress/drugs/doc appointments? Did you tell any partner about it or nah?
Does anyone have a recommendation for a doctor/dentist in the Bay Area that offered Botox for TMJ and accepts insurance?
Anyone use BrainHQ and can speak to its benefits? I’ve been reading about it and doing the free daily challenges but now considering the subscription.
Anyone take FAR recently? I took it today, sims were roughhh
How often do you cry at your job? I cry usually one day a week triggered by stress/overwhelm but want to know if this is a typical response
I guess am the only person who hasn't watched squid games, Harry Potter and the office. Ps I haven't gotten into Wordle too.
Hi fishes, anyone from IOT BU? How is the WLB and the team culture?
Why is 55 Hudson Yards (Milbank’s HQ) covered with spotted lantern bugs in the lobby every afternoon!?
Bowl Leader
Hey folks! How are you handling the pandemic and work from home situation?
I love sales and looking to get into tech sales!I have 7+ years of inside sales experience.Currently in real estate but want to get into a remote tech sales position.So far I have tried applying at company pages “career page” but no luck as of yet.Resume is pretty strong!Can anyone refer or recommend a recruiter and/or company I should look into?I would greatly appreciate any recommendations or referrals.Thanks for reading and have a great week!!!
Barber reccs in the West Loop or River North area?If I’m gonna pay $50 + tip for a haircut I need someone exceptional
How is warner bros discovery client in globallogic considering work life balance.
Community Builder
A bit freaked out by my “generalist” approach to litigation so far. Almost two years in and couldn’t really say I’m that “good” in any one area. Don’t really have my own clients, and I feel like in order for me to gain the confidence necessary to obtain them, I need to specialize in SOMETHING. Million dollar question - any areas of litigation seen as being a good specialty to get into now/for the future?
Hi everyone…just looking for some sympathy and words of encouragement.I joined Deloitte as an EH and have been on a client for 6 weeks now. It hasn’t been great but this week has been especially shitty… no one has a clue wtf is happening, everyone tries to blame someone else… they are extremely inefficient and I feel like most of the work I do is super urgent when I’m asked to do it but then no one really uses it 😅 what have I done???? Lol jk not giving up yet, still have hope!!
Any credit analysts here who can provide some insight on the role? Pros and cons and insight on WLB would be appreciated!
Any writers into strategy?!
ok....I have a 8th grader who reads and comprehends at a 4th grade level. I am a third year teacher and would like some suggestions or a plan to push him forward. Help!
Whelp, GroupM just suspended 401K matching, from May 1st till the end of the year...
So have any companies openly acknowledged the extreme rise in Antisemitism? Or is it just every other type of hate that's not tolerated? It's scary out there....
Could someone help me with the salary for a Compliance Sanctions Sr. Officer position at Citi ?
If D3 contains “YES”, how do you hide line 5? Is this even possible?
This is off topic - suggestions for a good health insurance cover of 5L for parents aging from 54-56yrs
Anybody doing the 131 diet by Chalene Johnson? Joined the one starting Mon coz I'm bad at diets and felt like this is more about understanding food than dieting. Wanted to see if ppl had thoughts.
How long does Shopee take to make an offer decision?
I don't know much about biotech but I wish someone who did would weigh in. Seems like we're adding human DNA to pigs and using their organs for transplant now?
Recommendations for medicine for sleep
Engagement Managers & Project Leaders: how on earth do you successfully lead on a tough client project?! Difficult enough for ADHDs to execute tasks let alone effectively manage people and synthesis their insights where you benefit the client and impress your colleagues!!
Concerta vs. Adderall XR? I have not been overly impressed with Vyvanase and looking to switch meds.
Hey all! I’m a 35F, recently diagnosed with ADHDz my doc is starting me on 5mg of Adderall as an entry point.Can those of you with experience with meds offers some advice on how you navigate your morning routine? I’ve read different opinions about how to optimize effectiveness and minimize side effects with regard to breakfast, exercise and coffee. Any best practices out there?
Has anyone used cerebral? What’s the process like? Legit? What’s the rx?
Has anyone seen/tried this supplement called Recoop advertised on Instagram? Looks interesting but too pricey for me to buy it just to try
I finished a book last week. It took me 4 hours to read about 300 pages. For avid readers that’s not much of an accomplish, but I haven’t been able to read in 10 years due to my ADHD. I’m so happy and hope I can pick up reading for good again 😊
How can I get diagnosed in the uk ? I hear there is a very long waiting list. Also I believe private medical does not usually cover it ? ( I have Aviva)
ADD/ADHD mommy 🐠: my husband and I are planning to start trying next year. My prescription is light (10mg XR/day) but I really have a hard time without it. I’m so nervous about not being able... (Ctd)
How do you all manage exercise and meds? I take vyvanse and have a peloton, but am kinda scared of the heart rate increase combination. I find the vyvanse takes about 2h to kick in and so I try to take it by 6am otherwise I’m dealing with the “hitting me” feeling when at work (which has resulted in some really embarrassing situations). In the evenings, I’m so hungry that a workout is harder to do plus you never know when the work day will end!
Follow ADHD fish - want to see if anyone can relate. Was always a high performer in STEM undergrad (albeit bad procrastinator), but am now struggling in the working world, even a few years in (cont).
Can my physician prescribe me extended release for daily use and immediate release to take as needed. Has anybody ever had that?
Did a teladoc consultation today and got confirmed for ADHD. Was asked to go on medication given nature of job. Was told side effects are negligible after 30 years of age. Thoughts?
How do you deal with the following - 1) lack of general organization in life, note taking, keeping track of your relationships and 2) attention to detail. These 2 things have been bothering me a lot. We all are smart as hell but silly mistakes such as spelling mistakes, broader checks to be done on the deck is killing me. Also I feel the lack of organization in personal life blows into professional as well. If you are a consultant how do u deal with it ?
I've always had trouble with things like attention, focusing, and feeling constantly overwhelmed. I started to feel hopeless, feeling burnt out (even worse than my old job). I spend hours diverted when I know I should get work done. I decided to get an evaluation after learning a lot more about ADHD. I was diagnosed as Primarily Inattentive and they are starting me on meds immediately. Will things get better from here? Will, I finally become a productive human being? Should I tell my manager?
Umm, I just realized today that I could change the Bowl image 😅.
Does anyone have experience with non-stimulant medication? I’ve had bad anxiety from Adderall in the past and I don’t know what to ask for when I see my doc.
Movers are coming tomorrow and I have procrastinated packing the miscellaneous drawers and whatnot. My lack of organization becomes very apparent when I pull out 10 different categories of things from one drawer. Chuck 25% and the rest gets put in a box to the new place. Anyone else feel that packing for a move is harder than it should be?
Many of you seem to know a lot more about managing your ADHD than I do, even though I am probably older. What recommendations do you have to learn more? Thank you
Rising Star
I don’t lose too many things but that’s because I neurotically pay attention to them lol. I do lose a ton of stuff at home since I know it won’t be “lost forever” so I relax a bit
Absolutely. I rarely lose things. I do forget they exist, but if someone asks, I know exactly where it is.