If you say “work wife” I’m judging you. Grow up

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Okay, the “Work Mom” thing is annoying. If she were a dude, you’d call her a boss or mentor. No one has a “Work Dad.” Don’t play her like that.

Possibly arises bc I loathe when agencies take powerful female CDs and introduce them as the “Team Mom.” My last ECD was a badass award winning inspiration, and everyone better address her as such 😂


I am a work dad, sort of. that’s our joke, it’s our sign of mutual respect.


My actual wife is the one who refers to my female AD partner as my work wife. It’s always seemed like a fun little bit of banter. Didn’t realize this was a negative thing 🤷🏻‍♂️


Both of your wives are cool! Hopefully you treat both of them well or you’ll be in double trouble hehe

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My work wife is a dude. Why the hell do you have a problem with that? Its mostdef still a thing


I’m a straight guy and a proud work wife 🙌


I do have a joke about calling someone daughter because I trained her from intern to associate. Got problems?


I’ve had some work moms 😂 more like slightly older woman who are mentors and industry vets than “mommy"


I’ve had a work mom. A few, actually. Come to think of it, having a work dad would probably be weird.


Work zaddy.


You mean like in an Elmer Fudd voice when they’re talking about their work life? I could understand having a problem with that


I went through a few work husbands (some better than others) in my career, is that ok to say?


Honestly I have a husband, that’s enough. I also don’t want to be your Work Mom, Work Co-Parent, Sibling, etc. Happy to be your friend, co-worker, mentor, sponsor, and sometimes coffee deliverer


No milk or sugar for me please. Please and thanks


I think it’s weird too. It makes the relationship inherently have a sexual undertone to it. I feel it’s inappropriate.

It only has a sexual undertone because you give it one.


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Seems accurate 😊

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