If you're obliged to choose to date a divorcee or a widow/widower, which one would you choose? All things about these 2 person being equal.

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Divorcee. Widows will compare you to an idealized memory of the dead spouse rather than to someone they ended up not liking.


You’ll never be escape to the deceased spouse.
The divorcée will not have a sanctuary to their ex in the living room.


🫣 the mantle at the parents house

Can all things really be equal though. One's marriage ended because they couldn't work it out


In that case, there's also additional trauma from abuse or cheating that would make it so these examples couldn't possibly be equal.


Who will I be fixing the most and how much of their pain will be projected onto me?


Will they project?
Speaking from experience. Mom’s a widow the last 6 years and still projects pain.
Ex was divorced with a child and woah it was like a repeat of what they said their ex did to them.


Widower. No crazy ex.


I don't think all things could be equal between those two options. However, I would just say in general that I wouldn't plan on dating a divorcee or someone with kids. I'm not into baggage.


Eh, I'm happily married now, childfree, and can't imagine that ever not being the case, so I can be super selective with my imagined relationships. 😂


Not enough info – circumstances matter. Is the divorcee because their spouse was abusive or a cheater and is the widower that designation because of cancer, AIDS, or they murdered their spouse?


I’d date whoever has worked through their emotional pain from their marriage ending.

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