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4/1 check-in and announcement!
I’m excited to announce that in conjunction to the “Gym Buddies Daily Check-In”, we will be making a new bowl call “Rest Day Buddies Daily Check-In” for you all to compare notes and strategies for how to take a breather from the gym. Follow link below to learn more:
Ok, now that it’s done, what’s your workout for today? 😅
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Be kind to yourself.

I just want to quit right now. I just can’t anymore
This was touched on in The Mind Explained on Netflix. I’m glad your wife is better!
SA1: fascinating. Would love to connect offline to talk more about your experience!
Just a side comment, but I appreciate how supportive and loving of your wife and her mental health you are. It’s nice to see how many people in the bowl are less conflicted but allies.
Thank you! I was ready for anything and so glad we discovered this
My wife was very depressed, I had to stop traveling for work regularly (super grateful for the firm's flexibility) and she was about to go on meds. Then Ayahuasca came up and she got so many signs that it was the way for her. She went to a resort in Costa Rica for a week and came back with no depression, I swear. She said it was the hardest 4 nights of her life and also the best of her life. It is by no means easy or simple but the fact is the medicine changes your perspective and opens the door for you. You still have to walk through it. People who have done it, my wife included, claim that it's the equivalent of 10-20 yrs of therapy in 1 week. It's been 4 months and shes still got things she's working on and by no means is totally clear but I've at least got my wife back. She is more in touch with who she truly is deep down and its wonderful. She quit her stressful job and is prioritizing herself for once. Its changed our lives.
A prudent addition to my original post: This was our experience with this particular type of plant medicine and everyone responds differently. You must do your own research and assess the risks/rewards for yourself. For example there can be very negative side effects if you're taking an antidepressant or medication that has SSRIs or MAOI and you have to be off the medication for a period of time before taking Ayahuasca. My goal of this post is to share our story and to increase the awareness of others to this option. Good luck to everyone on their journey. 🙏
There are also clinical trials of Psilocybin, which is the psychedelic found in mushrooms. I'd choose that over ayahuasca because it's a pill administered by a mental health professional and doesn't involve rituals and projectile vomiting.
Mushrooms can also be extremely healing and powerful, you're right. To my reply below, you can find therapists who are open to it
Op, do you have details on which organization she went through? Did you or anyone else go with her or did she do it solo? Very happy for her and for you that it has helped. 🙌
Do you mind sharing the rough cost OP? The Rythmia website doesn’t list it and requires you to call. Thanks!
Full disclosure ayahuasca was not a good experience for me, I went to a shaman in Colombia near the Ecuadorian border, and it was a pretty intense and not completely positive endeavor. The friend I went with had a very good experience, so basically keep in mind that everybody has a different mind/brain and YMMV
Yes, everyone is different. Set and setting and the shaman are critical to the type of experience you have.
Seems dangerous and gimicky, I'd have to be very desperate to spend/risk that much and would have to see a couple of peer reviewed studies
Read what I wrote again. There is no argument here, simply stating that there are options. Antidepressants arent repeatedly proven to help or work. In a lot of cases they can make the patient worse. The point is to think beyond what the establishment is telling you is good for you and think for yourself. If you're going to be negative or if you are so close minded to entertain that other options exist you dont need to comment.
congrats op! glad to see that your wife is feeling better
Yeah, can you share more about her journey to choosing this method vs regular therapy and meds?
She was depressed for years and at the point of suicidal ideation. She was about to go on antidepressants (as in called the psychiatrist that day to get the script) when she came across Ayahuasca. She dove deep into research and found story after story of how it changed so many peoples lives. They say Ayahuasca calls to you, and she got the calling. This is why I bring it up to everyone here, because if there is someone that this connects to and it helps them I'm happy. She said it was the hardest week of her life but she came back, and still almost 6 months later, says her depression is gone. She has a better sense of self and is more connected to her true self. She has reason to live again, she said. The medicine works months after too, it's not just the week. They say that I'd you're going to do it be ready for your life to change. I recommend you look into and watch YouTube videos on people's stories. The information is out there and Its fascinating.
Happy for you and your wife!!!
Anyone have experience with it for addiction
Yes, there are many stories of individuals coming back from a week of ceremonies and being totally rid of addiction to alcohol or cigarettes. I encourage you to look into it, watch YouTube videos on people's account of their experience.
On the other hand, I’ve been trying both aya and psilocybin and unfortunately both haven’t led to improvements on my end (though the experiences have been very cool and well worth it). So YMMV.