I’m a 28 year old male, living with gf. I think I’ve got covid - very feverish, cough, hot and cold sweats, pains etc. When I get sick I turn into a massive baby - definition of “man flu”. Is this a massive problem for women (ie a big turn off)? Luckily I only get sick once every 2-3 years, but this feels awful and I’m being a massive sook and I can’t help it lol…

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I think you’ll get a pass with covid. Not sure about the regular flu 😂


Sounds like my dad his whole life, everyone just rolls their eyes now when he says he is catching a “cold” and he gives up on attempting to function as a normal person for 2-3 days 😂


This is me

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What is your experience ? Please share 🙏

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What to dou think ?

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Anyone ever gone through a separation with their spouse and have 3 small kids (under 6) in the equation? My spouse asked me for one tonight 🥲


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