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Please enlighten me.
If you’re lucky enough to be working at an agency with more people of color, try to start a POC support group. We did this at my agency recently and I can not explain the amount of support pouring through this group. If you’re in Chi, we’re planning mixers and interagency support groups that we’d love to have you join!
Black CD #2 here. A very “white” working environment is one thing, a hostile & racist one is another. But I know how flippant it is for me to say “just leave.” So while you are looking, networking and making moves — stay low, keep moving and document everything via email. Even verbal conversations...follow up with a recap disguised as due diligence or a thank you. Also, learn from this. Learn how people act, how people move, and remember it—because it won’t be the last but it will get better.
What is wrong with people. Why do white people think black people should see themselves as invisible. Get a clue.
"Hey Chad, have you seen that new movie 'Black Klansman?' Seems like it's something you and the wife would enjoy."
Document all events and go to HR immediately.
Yeah @C2 sorry but that does sound stupid. Saying its the black person's first move to combat a racist work environment is pretty tin eared.
Im a guilty-feelin white guy and I wish I had a better answer for you @OP, but I hope you end up liking where you work.
Perhaps the best advice to deal with it is not to deal with it all. No racist work environment is acceptable or tolerable. Make note of it. Document and report every incident.
- Black CD
Remove yourself from it. Struggle and battles make great movie plots but in real life they bring people down, ruin their careers and undermine their confidence. There’re places that will make you feel appreciated. Get out.
Remember that HR isn't your friend
@C2 I think I understand now--it's not that you dont know what youre talking about because youre not black--its that you dont know what youre talking about because youre not American.
Again, Im white and Ill shut up after this, but I think anybody can tell you that Asian people will have a lot more success in America "seeing themselves" as not-Asian than black people will have with seeing themselves as not-Black.
Once again, I encourage you to close your mouth now and listen. I dont think youre coming across as a guy who has a lot to contribute to the Black Advertising Experience.
If shit goes south @OP, we’re hiring an AD.
Lots of white, but none are hostile. 👍
CW2 —
I mean this with the most respect. Take the advice of others on this thread and take a posture to sit back and learn.
You said, “How typical” = translation: “Those people”
You said, “to assume that because I’m not black my experience would be different.” = It’s not an assumption. It’s a fact. If you are not Black, you have not experienced the Black experience in this world (in this industry). Turn on the news. You have your own experience and that is valid. I empathize with you as a fellow minority. But it isn’t the same. Trust that. And believe me, you don’t want this experience any more than your own.
You said, “The world doesn’t revolve around your suffering.” = Indeed. In fact, it is the world that creates the suffering. And in fact on that fact, the original post was a young creative asking how to navigate that suffering - how to evolve within it. How to be quiet, or how to politic it or code-switch it to make their peers more comfortable, how to straighten their hair, sharpen their words, how to sell creative ideas some just won’t get, how to politely tell other creatives that headline is slightly offensive... this list is unfortunately endless. And I get the sense you are not open to understand, so I’ll stop here. But as a creative in this world, I hope you heard something.
Wishing you the best. Happy to answer any curiosities.
It sounds stupid but i think you could start by not viewing yourself as a “black” AD and just an AD. How you see yourself does affect how others see you. Baby steps.
Thank you CD 3 & 4 🙏🏾
Copywriter 2, please if you can’t say anything of value and/or if you are pulling from a place of pure ignorance - please say nothing at all. The Black experience in this industry (and in this world) is very different than the Asian experience which is different from the white experience, the female, young, old, queer, individual experience and so on. Let’s not say “I don’t see color” ... because everyone does. And for People of Color ... it is very often (too often) the first thing people see on us. They may not judge us for it. But they do notice it. If not, they’re lying. To say OP is throwing a fit, proves that your voice doesn’t fit in this conversation unless you’re willing to learn and empathize. You have a beautiful privilege in saying “I never thought of myself as an asian creative” ... I envy that. Please know - it is not because we think of ourselves as Black creatives, but because we are made to feel that way. Because there is often only one of us in the room. I hope you never experience it. But would love to educate you more on the feelings of many. Would also love to learn of your experiences and work together to make this industry a safer place to create.
@C2 You probably never thought of yourself as an Asian Creative because you never had to. We (black people) also don’t wake up and say “I’m black” and then go eat a “black” breakfast, ride a “black” train and walk into our agencies and say “well as a black creative, let’s move the meeting.” We wouldn’t even have to IF we did because the world, including the agency world does a pretty good job of reminding us on a DAILY basis. So to imply that the OP is “throwing a fit” because they are asking for advice on how to deal with the stress of a hostile potentially racist working environment shows that a) unless it’s happened to you it isn’t real to you—which is exactly HOW hostile environments thrive and b) you have low reading comprehension—which also makes for shitty creative.
Stop talking. Listen to what people are saying, learn something and simply do better.
APD1 how can a girl holla? Been needing this kind of group
Ad1: we’re getting a lot of this setup still. Our group is probably a month old 😂😂 and I’ve just brought up the idea of mixers. So I should have more info for you soon!!
It’s an opinion so feel free to disagree of course but I’m an asian creative and although not the same. I’ve never thought of myself as an “asian” creative. Nowhere does that imply being invisible. If I need to wear a badge for the colour of my skin to be visible then I think we have some issues with perspective. I don’t look at the people i work with as that “white” cd or that “black” ad. Also, it’s not ideal to act first but realistically speaking, you can’t control the opinion of others but what you can control is your own. If you want to throw a fit and think it’s unfair to make the first move then live with the fact that you probably are going to be disappointed with people for a very long time. Your life and career won’t wait around for people to give a shit. Unfair and unpleasant but it’s true.