I’m a lawyer based in Europe. I’m lateraling to a firm in a new jurisdiction on Monday and negotiated a decent pay increase a few months ago (new jurisdiction has significantly higher income taxes so negotiated based on a comparable net pay). My old firm has just announced it is increasing salaries by around 15% which will almost negate what I negotiated at new firm. New firm doesn’t review salaries till September. What are my options here so that I’m not out of pocket?
Subject Expert
None, I’m afraid
How are you out of pocket? You accepted an offer and it still stands. Go forth on a new adventure and job!
FYI, I moved from the US to another country at the firm’s request over 20 years ago and, shortly after arriving, received a mere 3% raise and no bonus after billing 3,000 hours my last year in the US. I was pissed at the time but it was a great move, didn’t look back and am still in the same city with another firm. And happy!
You can always ask, but I don’t think you have any leverage at this point. It’s a risk you assumed when you made the move