I have 10 YoE in Oil & Gas Industry and majorly worked with HPCL, Adani, Reliance.
My CCTC is 15.85. Today, KPMG interview was done. Also cleared another round. Monday, HR round will be there.
How much rise should i expect?
How's the salary at KPMG for equivalent profile?
Maybe for the partner. But definitely for assistant.
I was told to only gift down - so definitely to your assistant and paralegal. And any partner’s assistant/paralegal you work with often. Otherwise, not to partners. They generally gift to you
Definitely get something for your assistant. Partner is a toss up.
Definitely to your assistant. The thought goes a long way. I would not feel obligated at all to gift to the partners. If you have a close relationship with one of them or they've taken an interest in mentoring you, you could consider a small thoughtful gift as a gesture.
Get something small for your assistant, absolutely no need to gift up.
Yes, gift to the assistant (bottle of wine or gift card is fine). No, do not gift to the partner (but you could send a nice thank you note)
No gift for the partner. A thank you/holiday card will suffice.
Everyone appreciates a thoughtful gift, regardless of cost. Your assistant definitely should receive a gift and selfishly you will benefit from letting him or her know how important they are to you. Even partners appreciate being remembered at the holidays. I was very moved to receive home baked goods or small tokens of appreciation at the holidays.
Small gift for the assistant and holiday card for the partner has always been my standard approach.
Mostly agree, gift down and not up. But if there’s someone else who works with your assistant ask them what they’ve typically done. I was given a heads up right when I started that my assistant doesn’t like receiving gifts from the attorneys because she feels terrible not reciprocating.
Rising Star
Size of firm/office?
Near 300 lawyers nationally, about 40ish in my office
Assistant for sure yes. Partners I would say no.
Never got partners gifts. Gave my assistant $100/per year (ie, as a 4th year, gave her $400).