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Hello everyone! I am a rising senior and will be graduating in May 2023. After doing some research, I have a keen interest in being a Global Sourcing and Supply manager for Apple This is simply because I am very intrigued by Supply Chain and would love to be a part of the development of Apple products without heavy engineering. However, I have no supp. chain experience
I would appreciate any knowledge on this career, the typical salary in Austin, TX vs Cali, any referrals for this company, etc
I had a interview with the partner where in the last few minutes he mentioned they are taking their time with the process and a final decision might be made a month or two from now so I shouldn’t be discouraged if I don’t hear back for some time. I first submitted an application a month ago. What could this be about?EY
Hello, I’m seeking information on how to successfully transfer from the Amazon warehouse into a remote position. Am currently looking into ERC, DLS or HR services. I have over 5 year tenure and for the past year have been actively applying but I have no luck landing an interview. If anyone could assist with referrals or pointers on how to stand out to recruiters I would appreciate it!
Worth it. Get the minor and the. you can do a masters in CS down the road if you want. CS majors can make 5x what a CE can make
Subject Expert
I’d do it for sure
Do it for sure. I would even suggest that you change your career to CS. CE is limited and there are constraints by standards and manuals. Also, the salaries are based on what the government will pay the company you are working for.
It will help you big time. For me, that will be your ticket for the screening. Go for it, OP. Good luck!