I'm about to run my first major project as a detailed reviewer (I'm in tax, an experienced staff). It's an audited client. However, the staff that is assigned to it is known for being a slow worker and needing extra guidance. How can I effectively manage a staff who needs extra help but not give too many answers to them at the same time?

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Guide them to the answers? Walk them through the project why’s and end result


Off the bat be clear about deadlines. Knowing that they need extra guidance, maybe factor in two review cycles. Up to you though, either you give them/guide them to them the answers or you’re gonna end up doing all the work anyways. Also when you’re explaining/giving instructions, maybe put yourself in their shoes and think about what questions they may have and go over those points in your instructions.


Well I’d actually refrain from saying ‘it should only take x amount of time.’ If you need it by a certain time, tell them that, but don’t tell them how long you’re expecting them to take on it. Leads to too much stress and often, them turning things in before they’ve truly completed it just because they have taken too much time from your estimate....0

Do live feedback/ discussions. Ask them open ended questions, such as “this credit is a DTA because....” or “why would a DTA need a VA” stuff like that.


This! I have this same issue with a member of my group and that’s how we are trying to teach her. If you just tell them what the answer is then they don’t learn. They need to try and answer the question even if it’s wrong. It’s the only way they learn. If you just tell them how to do it all the time then they don’t learn.


Be prepared to re-do his/her/their work


You are a part of the problem

Can you swap them with somebody else? Lol


Ha, unfortunately no.

I like to walk through stuff with my staff that need more help. I’ll ask questions leading me to an answer. If they answer a guiding question wrong, I’ll ask them to explain their thought process and then walk them through my thought process to get the answer. If they figure out the answer themselves, I’ll ask how they got their/why to make sure the understand the reasoning and not just the answer. Basically a ton of communication so they can see how I think and hopefully pick up on some of it!


“Look at PY”


I had a boss/mentor and the first thing he would ask whenever I had a question was “did you look it up?” He wouldn’t discuss with me until I had at least looked at IRS, regs or instructions. While it was frustrating I learned a shit ton while working for him. Might not work in your situation if time lines are too tight but it’ll teach your subordinate to be more self sufficient. This is a critical skill that needs to developed or you’ll pay the price forever.


Reading the code/ regs is mind numbing... This is coming from someone who did an MST

Give assignments in small bites. Don’t overwhelm. Set realistic goals...”This task should take you 1 hour. I’ll check back with you at (specific time). “. Check his/her work, make small changes and give next small bite. Repeat.


I like this idea. That's actually very similar to what the manager on this project said, give it to them in bites and check up on them.


Focus on the the individual you are managing (not your management style). If you’ve been given this responsibility, you obviously can manage and likely more adaptable. Get your staff comfortable, adjust to their learning style, and help them grow.


Have a chat with them upfront and set expectations (i.e., you layout your expectations and gauge whether staff understands and agrees with it). If you feel that you may need to be more involved, lay out a plan (i.e., schedule more frequent touch points to gauge process). Best of luck!


Ha! I will tell you what will happen. The staff is slow and needs extra guidance, the budget of the engagement will be blown right away. If someone is slow is because that person is trying to figure things out by searching or just too many coffee breaks.

I had people like that in some of my engagements and the end quality product is poor and I have ended up redoing all myself and eating hours after hours of guidance .

My current methodology, teach where last year’s workpapers are, follow Saly and anything new that you see new highlight or make a note. Give them a tight budget. End result = the same low quality work and at least I can charge my hours for rework.

Caring is learning on the job. We are A students it is the same as doing homework you have to look for the answers.


The silver lining at least you rolled forward the workpapers!

Set realistic but still stretch expectations up front. Also upfront jointly come up with a progress timeline that you both sign off on. The timeline should include reporting steps to keep you as supervisor in sync with the progress. You make it clear the staff is to manage and be responsible for their own part of the engagement. If they fail to report progress early on hold them accountable. Your responsibility is to manage the successful completion on time and within a realistic budget. Make sure they know this and you are there to help them with questions. Don’t make them guess or look up all the answers unless they ask the same question multiple times. Quickly review at each step to insure they are reporting progress properly and are on the right track. In between don’t micromanage. Let them do their job. They are a professional also so they should know this is their chance to prove it.


Tax question.. Did you look it up? Should always be the first question out of your mouth. If they did, ask them to show you what is confusing and always explain in layman's terms.

Workpapers can be confusing so instead of pointing them to PY, I like to look at what they are doing and show/explain to them.

Software did they check support? Simple questions I can answer for sake of time.

Some things I like to answer but others get them used to research.

Deadlines and budgets should always be communicated, in writing.

Check on them frequently.


Set deadlines

say you’re open to questions and you have to keep it open, even if a questions stupid answer it without judgement - they came openly to you for support

ask if they have questions frequently

and ask if they still expect to hit the deadline.

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