I’m advanced age and respond well to ivf medications but don’t have good quality eggs . Thinking of going in with a lower dosage stims and increasing upward and maybe longer stim cycle. Has anyone tried this strategy ?

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I did not get any good embryos until I was 41. Honestly, I took a break and took DHEA, Coq10, and folic acid to help with egg quality. Then I started low dose of stims in the luteal phase and increased over 16 days adding in HGH. I wound up with 5 embryos, 3 PGT normal, and one produced my son. I am going to transfer another this fall. Good luck!!!! Sending positive vibes!


Wish you good luck as well! Your comment is so promising.


I also had my best result with low dose luteal stim. I think the added Omnitrope helped as well. I’ve been taking coq10 for years so that might have helped too. No DHEA since I have PCOS but generally agree with SF1.


My best round was 38 eggs retrieved, 34 mature, 16 blasts, 6 normal (maybe 7, one came back inconclusive), all BB or better. Compared to my worst round 14 retrieved, 12 mature, 5 blasts, 1 normal CC. I was 39 for both rounds.


Ask your doctor about Omnitrope or Serovital to help egg quality


Thank you!


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Additional Posts in Fertility Bowl

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Hi ladies, can someone enlighten me with IVf process? Would like to know how long long it takes for one cycle? And when is it done after period? I.e, which day? Background: thinking of doing it during my visit to india when I am planning to stay there for couple of months. Unsure if it’s a wise choice but considering the cost I am thinking of giving atleast one shot in india..


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