I’m almost a second year associate, non-trad, 34 years old with a wife and 3 kids. Haven’t taken the fam on a vacation since I started law school because we had no money, and now I’m finding it difficult to pull the trigger because I’m trying to build a practice and establish myself in the firm. Is it ok to take a vacation? How do I pull away?

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LOL sir every single one of your hours are written off before the client sees them. Take a vacation. You are a first year. Your work isn’t life or death.


At no level. Everything is urgent, and nothing matters.


Someone kind of asked me for permission to be out for their own wedding. I laughed a bit and told them to have a good time and not worry about work for a few days. Don’t be that person. You’re less important than you think. :) Plan it out, give notice, put it on folks’ calendars, take a good long break, reconnect with the fam. You don’t need 6 months notice necessarily. If it’s a long weekend situation, maybe a couple weeks notice. If it’s a 1-2 weeks off, maybe a couple months notice. Ramp down before you’re leaving and be conscientious about not leaving your team in a mess where you’re the only one who knows where things are, write a status memo email detailing stuff that needs to get done on what timeframe, who you think is handling what, where files are saved, what non urgent tasks can probably wait for your return, etc. Don’t plan or offer to work while you’re out although if you want to provide in case of emergency contact me here.

Do not ask for permission, you are an adult, you just need to say you’re going to be out. Most people are supportive. Offer to cover for folks and pick up the slack when they are out. They will return the favor.


Exactly—especially the bit about that you’re an adult who doesn’t need to ask permission, so long as you’re also an adult who takes responsibility for enabling your colleagues to handle the work while you’re gone.


Tell folks when you are doing it several months in advance. Six plus months or more. You can’t control how they respond but doing it far in advance reduces the chance there is a real work reason to say no. Recognize you may have to work extra to cover your capacity.


If you give plenty of notice and make arrangements ahead of time to make it so it is not too much more work on others while you are gone then go for it. And if you are able to do those things and the firm doesn't let you then its time to find a new firm.


Here because it’s nice to see another 2nd year also in their 30s. Agree with everyone’s sentiment. Take time off. You deserve it and your family deserves it.


First year here, 33 swings around the sun


Thanks for making me feel young, all. Sincerely, 37 yr old 5th year. (Also: take the vacation. I waited until my fourth year before I accepted there’d never be a good time for a vacation. Don’t be me.)


Agree with others - just plan and take the vacation. You don’t need 6 months notice - whoever said that is crazy! Plan deadlines around the vacation as much as possible, and if you can’t just say “I’m on vacation that week.”


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