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Yes. This 100%. I’ve entered a cycle where every time I start feeling good and confident, something makes me question everything again.
Is it wrong to be comforted by the fact a partner posted this? Because that’s been me for all three years I’ve been an attorney.
I thought I was a pretty smart person until I made it into law and now I think I just get dumber every year.
I’ve been feeling this. High highs and low lows when it comes to confidence and imposter syndrome. Having one of the low lows right now as I realized I screwed up a couple things. Neither is really that big a deal, but F***.
I feel this way constantly. I started a new job in January and feel like an idiot 95% of the time.
I feel this every year
9 years in and… yes. Just yes.
I moved to a bigger firm last month and I feel like I am an idiot (or I am way less smart or prepared than the people I work with) EVERY. SINGLE .DAY. everybody is nice so I know that it's a me problem. But yeah I am with you... does it ever get better?
YESSSSS. So much.
Hahaha, sometimes I really love this forum. I have no idea who anyone is, but it’s nice to be able to be honest somewhere. Appreciate the candor OP. I’ve been in practice 8 years, and I’ve never felt truly dumb. For better or for worse, I’ve honestly just never had a problem with saying “I don’t know, let me find out really quick” to clients and partners. I assume it’s different for partners, and not feasible in all situations, but those partners I truly appreciate acknowledge when they don’t know something and hand it off for someone else to figure out (i.e., me).
All this is to say, I hope you can let that Type A hair down a bit, remember you’re an intelligent person, and hope you’ve got some associates to help you look good when you don’t know!
Every. Damn. Day. Lol