I’m in a fairly large practice group with a decently large pool of associates that are junior to me. I’m being asked to run several matters and to delegate as needed. Any delegation tips? (Dos/Don’ts; ideas on how to choose who to work with, how to help new matter team members get up to speed efficiently; ways to provide feedback when work isn’t up-to-snuff, etc.?) I’m easygoing enough, but I’m also struggling to find someone who consistently turns in what I’m looking for.

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I have no suggestions, but following this! I’m often told to delegate. But, quite frankly, it usually takes more time to give instructions on the project and correct it/totally redo it when it’s wrong than if I just did the work myself from the start. It also sets me back in terms of timing. I’ve tried constructive criticism and everything in between, but usually avoid delegating all together because of this.

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