I’m looking at a fertility clinic stats and the early 30s results look good (over 50 percent) but the over 40 year old category is well below the national average. I’m looking another clinic with less cycles but 40 plus category is almost at 20 percent success rate (above national average). Should I rely on these numbers in making a decision ?

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It depends on how many people are over 40 and why they're there. For instance, Im 43 and doing ivf to be single mother by choice. I'm not infertile--I have lots of eggs. (Retrieved 14 this morning.). Results with more people like me are likely to be better.

Choose where you feel most comfortable.


Thanks for your comment and congratulations on your retrieval . The issue with ivf for older women is having normal embryos and I strongly believe in a solid lab that can process embryos. It may just be a gamble anywhere though .

I was always told to pick where the most talented embryologists are.

How do you know where the talented embryologists are ?

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