I’m moving and need to get a new mattress, single guy, mid 20s, sleep on my stomach, doesn’t have any pain but I loveeee sleeping and will pay for a nice, comfortable mattress. Thanks

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Avocado 🥑 and I got the wood bed frame (king size) and it’s seriously amazing. 6 months interest free via Affirm. Best decision


Purple mattress all the way.. great for single dude and when you have “guests”, mine is perfect for my girlfriend, myself and fat cat

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You’re 20 just sleep on the goddamn floor like in that Lumineers song


My friends swear by Casper.


I love my Casper wave hybrid! Not too firm or soft right in middle



Me too, ZS. LOVE. Bought one for my kid, too.



Take the Urus—more roof area.




Single man in 20s and no beer guy to make sleeping on stomach a problem....Hmm what’s wrong with the cheapest mattress at Walmart again?


I went with dreamcloud and love it


I’ve had a Leesa mattress for years and love it. I’ve heard great things from friends who have a purple mattress and that’s what I’ll be getting next.


Look into latex mattresses. They’re Very comfortable and extremely durable. I got mine from Arizonamattress.net. (not sponsored). Pure latex mattresses will come from only 3 latex foam manufacturers in the world so as long as you’re looking at pure latex, you can shop on price knowing that the quality of latex mattresses all price points is pretty much the same.


Casper!! Sleep like a baby and no more back pain


Saatva is nice awesome and great for stomach sleeping. Super supportive and affordable bc they’re online only although they’re traditional mattresses. I got nervous about some of foam & hybrids bc I kept hearing some of the popular ones even get really hot (because of the foam).


Love my Saatva!

I hated the Casper because it did not have edge support. My neck and back were in awful shape because the mattress was tilting, side sleeper here.


Okay perfect timing. I lay on a Savoir Bed today - $120k! - and it was a cloud. But their $5k-ish mattress was pretty swell too!


I mean I think it kind of is 😂😂


Meanwhile, I have a Simmons Beautyrest plush hybrid (mattress firm, about $3k for a king) which I love.


I have the Layla - love it!! All of them are having a sale right now


I loveeeeee sleeping too, sleep on my stomach, and searching for a good mattress as well. Good luck !


I like my Helix Sleep Dawn. Solid but not too firm.


Helix twilight here. Best decision ever to upgrade from the ikea pos I had before.

Matrix Intellibed - hybrid latex


The top tier Nectar is really nice. Semi firm as well. Tried the tuft and needle for 2 months but it wasn’t firm enough for my liking.


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I am proud to share that I have shed the COVID 20 and am back down to fighting weight.

Enjoy your weekend.


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