I’m moving out of the city that I’ve been in for the past 2 years. I have the option to move into a HCOL city with my friends or live at home with my parents in the suburbs. I know I’ll have way more fun & be happier with my friends in the city, but I’m going back to get my MBA in the fall of 2023 (already accepted) & can save >$40k if I live at home for a year and can use that for school. I’m 23 with no debt and $100k TC. Would love to hear some thoughts - is the extra $40k worth it?

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Is there a middle ground option where you live with your parents but redirect a portion of the savings to fund some awesome trips? Would give you something fun to look forward to every 2-3 months or whatever makes sense for your schedule.


You’ll never get time back. Find a balance.

Would you rather spend $40k living with current friends or making new fiends durning the MBA?

Coming from post MBA I wish I had more savings beforehand and missed out on some really cool trips due to lack of cash flow.

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How can she fix this? Can she sell the stocks and then transfer the cash to her Roth? Would there be any tax implications? Any special form that we need to fill out?

Thanks in advance!


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Society overall would be better served by a more community-minded approach to work-life balance.


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