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Hi Capgemini people, Till 15th November we have to declare our vaccination status so that they can plan back to office for the employees who are fully vaccinated or having report of not having covid. I am Fully vaccinated but if I declare that I am partially vaccinated will they get to know my bluff? Actually I am not much interested to go back to office as of now may be in february it will be fine for me
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Lol as if

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Have any of you ever done Whole 30?
Favorite juice cleanse brand (e.g., Solti)?
How often do you wake in the middle of the night? For what it’s worth, the phenomenon of a continuous sleep through the night is a recent evolution of human history. Pre industrialization, it was common to have two sleeps.
I wake often as well, and while it used to give me more anxiety, the knowledge that it’s a very natural thing to do has brought me great peace of mind. It’s the way my body works, so I no longer fret over it. But I do sometimes go to bed earlier to budget that time into my night, though I don’t always need it. When I do, what’s better than hanging out for a bit with no one bothering me?!
Also: if I really want to sleep, I watch YouTube videos of artists painting or drawing. It locks me in and I’m back to sleep relatively soon, and I prefer that over chemicals (this is not medical advice).
That’s a really cool way to think about it.
Almost nightly for me. If I wasn’t in a physically anxious state, I’d try rolling with it. But I think I might be doing myself a disservice by not trying something new (all that stress hormone circulating for 60min+). I’ll keep this in mind though and like the sleeping slightly earlier for it.
Rising Star
CBD daily exercise, eating a diet high in fruits and vegetables has helped me manage my symptoms. The reality is that some level of anxiety is natural. Managing it is the name of the game.
Pachama CBD, “relax” - has kava kava and valerian - swear by this stuff but it can get expensive
Additional one is Anxie-T supplements by lifeseasons. Would try both of these methods before getting into medication, most anxiety meds are habit forming and can ruin people (from my experience)
Stuff is magic, combine that with kava and cbd and there’s no worries
Have you tried talking to a therapist, regular exercise, journaling, reducing caffeine etc? If yes, and you’re still struggling, please reach out to your doctor.
We’re living in crazy times, it’s normal to be struggling now. Those who aren’t, are just lying to themselves.
Maybe I’ll see a therapist again. It’s been a couple of years. I didn’t really enjoy going to the one I used to see so I’ll have to search for someone new.
Gabapentin, hydroxizine, there r millions
You’re also better off talking to a psychiatrist. GP will probably start you on an SSRI, which is just placebo sugar pills IMO. Ambien is a common one to help you fall asleep, but won’t keep you asleep. It’s kinda weird too. There r literally so many options. See if u can get a referral to a psychiatrist. And don’t overthink it. It’s no big deal. Many are non addictive and can be taken as needed. So many people r having issues in the pandemic. So don’t stress.
Ssri’s have an excellent safety profile, but yeah def talk to the doc
Magnesium (2-3x/day) and L-theanine (as needed) help! But it also seems like you might want to think of more long term solutions, rather than just treating the symptoms. I know that's helped me a ton! Like CBT
Thank you. I just ordered l theanine to add to supplements.
Have you tried melatonin? I have anxiety too and also try to manage it through diet/exercise. Melatonin helps me fall asleep and stay asleep pretty well. I take 3 mg and then put on a 20 minute mediation. I'm usually asleep before its done.
Interesting, thanks KPMG. Def don’t want to depend on anything.
GABA is better if you wake up in the middle of the night to calm thinking
Alternatively, magnesium glycinate works on both the areas that melatonin and gaba affect. Many benefits to magnesium
I do take magnesium evenings too. I’ll check out the relationship between GABA and magnesium. Thanks for that.
I find that Nature’s Way Valerian Nighttime Herbal Sleep Aid helps me when I’m feeling anxious. If I’m really stressed with work, I’ll take two pills about an hour before bed. It relaxes me and it definitely helps me sleep through the night - no crazy dreams and I feel refreshed in the mornings.