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I run a podcast called The Lawtrepreneur Briefing that explores what's makes a modern lawyer modern. We do this by having conversations with people driving the transformation of the legal profession.
Excerpt of the most recent conversation can be found here:
I'm looking outside my network for guests for the podcast. So if any of you have thoughts about the subject, I'd love to have you on. You can apply to speak here:
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I joined a regional firm as a transactions advisory associate. So far I’ve just been walked through a data book, done small parts of it, sat in on a couple management meetings. But I’m completely lost on anything conceptually. No one bothers to explain anything to me even when I ask. There has been no formal training for TAS. They gave me one power point on excel shortcuts…
I’m not being given work to do which is understandable. But I figured someone would at any point sit me down and walk me through different adjustments and explain why it is we’re doing something. They kind of just ignore me unless they need to give me some menial take to do. I’m chalking it off as people are really busy right now. But I’m worried this continues and I’ll be screwed when I’m thrown on my first actual deal.
This is how transactions groups generally are, and wfh doesn’t help.
Bring a snorkel bc you’re going swimming regardless friend
I will say, it started making more sense to me once I got a full deal rep as compared to a deal already in process or looking at old data books.
My advice:
Give yourself a moment to breathe, and when your next deal pops up, pay attention to the order in which things are done. That’ll give you a better sense on how things are linked or flow through the data book.
Understanding adjustments will come easier as you attend meetings and gain more context, it’s all cause and effect. Also keep in mind accounting in FDD isn’t like accounting in audit.
This is just kinda how it is. I was at a regional firm for tas and training is non existent. It’s kinda a matter of just getting reps and then you know what you’re doing.
Hang in there champ. It happens to all of us. Once you get 4 full deals you will have a better understanding. For now understand the process and the parts we go through e.g. Make request list, build databook prepare for mgt meeting QoE table report writing. No matter how much training you get you learn best by doing it. Again understand the process and eventually you will get it.
Training helps but OJT helps as well. I personally prefer shadowing some deals compared to the long trainings