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Languishing.. been there. I seriously considered taking a 3-6month sabbatical to get out of it but after 3 weeks off just doing stuff at home, then getting a new job offer, I feel energized again. You need some “me time” and do what makes you feel well rounded. Part of the extreme burnout I had was because for so long I felt I didn’t have time to do other things that matter in my life. All I did was eat, sleep, work, do it again. So for my 3 weeks off, I spent my ‘me time’ helping my mom with random things, binging on Netflix, cooking healthy meals (since I was only eating take out of microwaveable stuff that was quick before), playing with my dog and cat, at home facials, talking to friends, you get the gist... Good luck in your recovery!
@Developer 1: I should mention too that at least in my case, I could not bring myself to accept a new job before getting out of my languishing state. I declined 2 job offers last year that also meant >$30k raise because I was just so deeply exhausted (in my bones, so to speak) and felt starting a new job in that state would just break me (Because I would have to prove myself in a new job which is hard to do when you’re already burnt out to begin with). Only after I felt rejuvenated again did I feel ready to accept another job offer.
Sheesh. I thought Spotify was known for their work life balance?
Hearing more and more on psychological topics that humans derive value/self-worth from productivity rather than simply being. There should be a balance of both, but Corporate America doesn't do a good job of emphasizing that.
It's a powerful idea to enjoying just being.
I agree with you SE1. I've especially felt challenged during the lockdown, and trying to redefine how I enjoy life (yes, I'm learning new things, doing things, and am I balancing that with truly enjoying myself and the little things in life?).
Keep going :)
That's still better than PRESENT or FUTURE burnout 🤡.
Please take care of yourself better, tell yourself you are worth it.
Same. Been there for about a year now, honestly. Don’t know what to tell you, unfortunately, as I haven’t figured out the trick for it yet myself — but you’re far from alone.