Im paying $500+/month for firm's health insurance and I havent gone to the doctors or received any medical care. Is there a cheaper option that people use? Im single, so no spouse's plan. I really feel like I dont need it...

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I do the cheapest option which is usually the high deductible plan with HSA. I’m at a V100 and it runs like $120/mo. I use the HSA as a third retirement account (google HSA as retirement account if interested). Firm also kicks in $500 to the HSA every year which is nice. This is a great option for me because, like you, I rarely go to the doctor (knock on wood). Don’t think I’ve been in over two years. Actually I just reminded myself I should probably go, at least to make sure my heart is working properly 😬

$500 a month for insurance. That would be a dream. Wait until you have a family 😭😭

If you are under 30 you can jump on the exchange and see if you can get a catastrophic plan. I had one for about $200/month (but unlike with employer-provided insurance, the expense isn't deductible).

I do the high-deductible plan my firm offers. It’s like $300/month for employee and spouse. Deductible is really high but I think it’s worth it. Before I switched I was paying $1000 per month. Also you can find an HSA if you have a high deductibles plan which has a ton of advantages

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