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Outside of office stress release is important to stay in the game.. head up
This happened to me. I went in house and it saved my practice. Not saying you should do the same if you’re not ready, but it is an option.
Thanks! Fellow third year asking, so that’s helpful.
Once you have a handle on deal cadence and what constitutes a real “emergency,” react accordingly. If it were up to clients, everything would be an emergency, and your nervous system doesn’t have the bandwidth to treat everything that way. The only people I’ve witnessed who successfully do this long term are the ones who know what a real emergency is (spoiler: it happens five times per year at most).
As a fellow corporate associate, I wish I loved what I do and was happy to be here! If you have any available vacation please take it, and take a whole weekend off if possible. Sleep early, drink water, have a spiritual life. I’m getting out of this industry cus it’s not sustainable (for me) but I hope you can find a good balance!
Setting emotional boundaries between yourself and your clients’ problems can be very helpful to avoiding burnout long term.
The most important thing for me is getting enough sleep.
The best advice I received as an associate was from a partner who strongly recommended building my "Effe You" money (at least 1 year of gross salary) so that I would never feel financially trapped to stay with a firm that mistreats, disrespects or doesn't appreciate you. While stashing away that much rainy day cash might not be a sound investment strategy, it has been a very good investment in my mental health, emotional health and resiliency.
How far in are you
Hard to hear this now but the more experience you get, the more control you have over your work. Basically, you get a better feel for what is important and you can accomplish tasks more quickly.