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Dear TCSers
Could you tell me how to charge on Furlough on timesheet. I am new in this organization and hearing furlough for the first time. I am taking leave half of the furlough period and my manager told me you can charge on furlough for the rest but i don't see any option on timesheet for furlough.
Please help.
Thanks in advance! Tata Consultancy
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If I know I have to respond to an email I will leave it as unread and won’t mark it read until I’ve responded. Everyone wants to have an empty inbox, so those unread emails will always be there reminding you to respond.
Look up David Goggins
Leave. You’ll realize the job isn’t as good as you think it is. It’s amazing how much we gaslight ourselves into tolerating torture 😭
You have called this a stupid mistake and I won’t disagree. Whether or not you want to stay in this job, if you want to stay in law, this is something that you should work on more. I think key is outlook management (better filing system) so you know what remains outstanding. Get into the habit of responding to everything within 24 hours at the latest. Sending holding emails like “Thanks, will revert [by COB/Tuesday/in due course]”, and then take your time. Before finishing for the day, check if you’ve answered all important emails. And mark all emails from this particular boss as urgent things to do, even if it means noting it down on a separate notepad or post its on your monitor every time he emails to remind you to respond back as quickly as possible. To undo the perception, not only will you have to rectify it, you’ll have to impress.
Post its on the monitor make me feel like I'm an octogenarian who is scared of computers but it works so well I don't even care.
So relatable
Following. Exact same
Can you set yourself a reminder to send emails somewhere in your day that you have a break normally? I’ve struggled with this a ton. Part of it is not wanting to be the bearer of bad news, part of it is just forgetting to. But setting myself reminders throughout the week has really helped.