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See if the new firm will take you right away. Tell them that your old firm may kick you out immediately and that you'd like to start right away if they do. I'm sure they'd have no problem with that though they might need a bit of time to prepare.
collect all the precedents you can. print them and take them home.
make sure all personal stuff is off the work laptop and transferred to your own laptop or email
they have to pay you during your notice period, no, even if they bar you from the office?
Rising Star
They dont have to pay if they terminate OP with immediate effect.
@OP, get your stuff in order. Give three days notice, and mention you had no choice due to their termination practices.
If you really think they’ll kick you out without the standard 2 weeks period and you don’t care about burning a bridge, then just give them notice the Friday before you start working for the new firm or however long you can afford a break beforehand.
If they say it’s unprofessional you can mention their previous actions and how you can’t financially afford a two week gap in income.
This! I wish I did this at my last firm.
If it’s a competitor, I think every company, law firms included escort employees out the door the same day they put in notice FYI. You may have vacation and that would be included in your pay etc. I too agree with previous post ask them if you can start asasp just in case.
You would not be the first person, I am sure.
I’ve literally never seen this and this sounds bizarre
Consider unemployment benefit