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I’d be more pro-life if the people fighting for pro-life didn’t pair it with an elimination of services pre and post birth. That’s not pro-life, it’s just pro-birth.
For a lot of people me included is where is the government reach going to stop? The goal post keeps moving further and further. Am I going to wake up one day and not be able to own my land or freedoms I am currently use to because I need a mans permission. Thats where it seem like we are heading on this scary path.
Rising Star
Vote on it vs the GOP just doing what they want you mean. Voting means little to the GOP even in red states.
They're not pro-life, they're pro-birth. If any of these republican politicians actually believed what they said they'd be pushing for miscarriages to count as children on your taxes for credits, child support during pregnancy, etc.
Haven't met a single "pro-life" person who would agree with the above and that's because they don't actually think a zygote or fetus is a person.
For everyone pointing out income restrictions, the situation is actually worse. Many programs also have asset tests.
I just really think it’s no one’s business if you won’t raise the child. Period.
EY2 - States rights was a thing, but then the states wanted extra Congressional representatives for slaves who couldn't vote, they wanted to treat their constitutional signatures like a golf club where they could just RSVP in the negative, and they wanted freeways without paying for them, so that's where they went. If you're suspicious of all government except state government then you've got some twisted intentions.
Yea but there is a strong overlap between those who are pro life fighting to take social safety net away. It’s like “great the baby is here but let it starve!” Also my right to have a legal abortion does not take away your right to not have one; the same can’t be said vice versa. Furthermore, banning abortion does nothing more than reduce women’s control over their own body while increasing “back alley” abortion.
Rising Star
Exactly this. It’s a single issue they support but the rest of the social fabric they are against. I don’t get it.
That plus the supreme court effectively circumvented the legislative branch with roe v Wade and legislated from the bench undermining the checks and balances of the three branches of the federal government.
D1 I disagree with that, I think the precedent set by effectively legislating from bench gives the judicial branch more power. Make the correct branch do their jobs as representatives in a constitutional republic. "It is time to heed the Constitution and return the issue of abortion to the people’s elected representatives.” that sounds like the federal government getting their nose out of where it doesn't belong to me. I'm saying make Congress do their jobs instead of passing BS bills that you need to "pass to see what's in it" and Omnibus spending bills filled with pork.
Birth control should be free then
Agree. Plus better sex-ed, especially in Southern states where they just teach abstinence
This, I think, is it. I’m pro-choice as well, but the pro-choice pivot to abortion rights being about “women’s healthcare decisions” is a bit disingenuous IMO. Is women’s healthcare implicated? Of course! But that’s not what sits at the crux of this debate (even though it’s an important “sub-debate” to have). It’s much more palatable to talk about “women’s healthcare” than “this fetus is not a human and we can thus get rid of it.” But I wish more people would come out and just say that the fetus is not a human, and support that argument with sound reasoning. My strong gut feeling is that it is not, but tbh I struggle sometimes with the arguments for why it is or isn’t.
Imagine treating a baby inside the womb of a woman as a non living thing.
I dont understand why there is a debate at all. Your. Body. Your. Decision. It has nothing to do with anyone else. What might be right for me might not be right for you and vice versa.
Bodily autonomy for the living breathing woman within which the fetus resides should be paramount.
Yes, thats a more fair interpretation. It annoys me when people say conservatives "just want to control women's." They are but that's not the goal. I think we need to have the focus be on when abortion is acceptable and almost everyone would agree it's "sometimes."
I support abortion until the fetus can survive outside of a womans body, then it is a life. If it cant survive on its own outside of the womans body its a parasite.
OP, I recommend the thought experiment the violinist. The Violinist: ‘You wake up in the morning and find yourself back to back in bed with an unconscious violinist. A famous unconscious violinist. He has been found to have a fatal kidney ailment, and the Society of Music Lovers has canvassed all the available medical records and found that you alone have the right blood type to help. They have therefore kidnapped you, and last night the violinist’s circulatory system was plugged into yours, so that your kidneys can be used to extract poisons from his blood as well as your own. The director of the hospital now tells you, “Look, we’re sorry the Society of Music Lovers did this to you — we would never have permitted it if we had known. But still, they did it, and the violinist is now plugged into you. To unplug you would be to kill him. But never mind, it’s only for nine months. By then he will have recovered from his ailment, and can safely be unplugged from you.”’
This argument is like if one side believed the chicken came first and the other believed the egg came first, and neither acknowledged the philosophical ambiguity.
I'm pro-choice, a man, and more concerned about other issues - all of which push me to the left - so I just shut up and vote democrat. But I've never heard an argument about abortion that made me think, "wow, what a philosophically sound resolution to the issue."
Im pro-life but I agree, 24 weeks is waaayyyy to old to abort.
I’m not for that at all. 💕
Great. When you've got a 24 week old fetus in your uterus you can go ahead and keep that going if you want to. If/when it turns out that you're having a nonviable pregnancy that might cause you to bleed to death internally I'm sure you'll feel good having made choices for yourself and your family no matter the consequences to your life or what your loss of life will mean to any living, breathing children you may have.
Happy for you to make your choices however you see fit.
When you get big mad at someone else choosing your non viable pregnancy over your own life, well, I've got your back then too.
Of course by then, support may look like scrambling to source funds and travel so you can leave this country to access medical care you have a right to use to preserve your own life. But hey, for now let's all keep pining in on the internet. It's going great don't you think?
I am pro-choice, however I think its disingenuous to argue whether or not a fetus is alive as part of the reasoning behind why abortion is acceptable.
If you decide to have an abortion that's your choice, however you should also take the responsibility on of understanding that if you did decide not to do so, that fetus would be born just like every other person on the planet came to be.
I also think saying all pro lifers are republican is a falsehood and only further cements the red vs blue mentality on any single subject that comes along. People are people and all have differing opinions, and that's ok so long as you aren't hurting others.
Im pro-life but not anti abortion.
Keeping the practice legal just solves its own problem in a couple generations and I’m perfectly fine with that.
D2, or they go to a back alley and die having it done if they aren’t rich enough to have an aunt in the northeast.
But why is it anyone’s business what I do with my body is what I want to know!
Oh I'm not defending the south, if anything I'm attributing their actions to political opportunism rather than some misguided but genuine belief about human inequality or God-sanctioned slavery. But I look for the alignment of selfishness and selflessness when explaining human behavior, and I don't believe moral disagreements are sufficient to cause the civil war. Necessary? Yes. But not sufficient.
But I'll read Battle Cry of Freedom.
I was interested to learn that abortion is completely illegal in the following countries: Andorra, Aruba, Republic of the Congo, Curaçao, Dominican Republic, Egypt, El Salvador, Haiti, Honduras, Iraq, Jamaica, Laos, Madagascar, Malta, Mauritania, Nicaragua, Palau, Philippines, San Marino, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Suriname, Tonga, and West Bank & Gaza Strip
What do most of these countries have in common?
You are a good person.
I’m pro-life to the extent that I don’t think abortion should be used as birth control. I do agree that abortion should be legal in the case of incest, rape, threat to the mother’s life or if the fetus or baby will not live outside the womb.
Is an embryo human? If it’s in a human woman’s uterus, then uhh most likely it’s human. What else would it be? A toaster? A duck?
No contraceptive is 100% effective. False - not having have sex is 100% effective. No one has died from not having sex.
Women’s rights…but female fetuses don’t count?
Pro-life is racist…but aborting babies of color is ok? More babies of color are aborted than adult people of color who are murdered, die of accidents or illness, and of natural causes per year.
Men shouldn’t have any say. But pregnancy is impossible without sperm… what about the fathers of the babies that are aborted? What if a father is willing to raise the child on his own? What about the husband whose wife went behind his back and aborted the child?
Just sayin’