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What is IBM employees blue book means ?
Happy Saturday everyone!! Looking to see if anyone can provide a referral or point me in the direction for job opportunities. Potentially in the tech space. I have years of experience in Marketing! Currently working in the tech/realestate industry as a Marketing Advisor. Microsoft Zillow Inc Paypal Amazon Deloitte Google Facebook (Meta) Dell
Not to be taken lightly, but I’d consider mushrooms or acid. Only try it with a trusted friend, and I would recommend weening off any antidepressants first to avoid mixing things (if that applies to you). A single session can open your mind to new ways of thinking about your situation and can have lasting transformative effects on your life.
K2 - lot of it started with palliative care / people with terminal diagnoses to help them accept death. A lot now is being studied for depression, alcoholism, and PTSD. You can find all sorts of research on it googling. NYU and Hopkins are leading the charge
OP - I am the same. Sounds like you’ve run the gamut of approaches. I’ve tried them all as well to a similar end.
I came to accept the following: your true, inner colors are blue, and that’s ok.
Ultimately, everyone has a chance to see all the colors in this great kaleidoscope of life. Some just see more of some colors than others. You have been cursed and blessed with the super power to see more blue, black, and grey. What a terrible power; what an awesome power.
You can choose to give in to your power, as it is also your kryptonite. But, you can also choose to harness it, grow it, and let it help you see others. The depths of empathy you’ll have for others in mourning will be Deeper and more visceral than others can know. You’ll be able to extend kindness and wisdom to those in suffering. You’ll be able to give them hope and tell them they are not alone, that others feel like this too.
And, some days you won’t be able to do this, or anything. You won’t be able to get out of bed because you’re paralyzed. You’ll drink cheap gin in the morning just to feel something. You won’t talk for hours. And that’s fine. Time is the only salve for of those days when the chemicals in your mind don’t work as they should. Forgive yourself for these episodes - it’s not your fault.
Keep exercising, eating well, and meditating. These habits won’t fix what afflicts you, but they will help you rebound quicker.
Much love and keep up the good fight - you’re not alone.
Search Mona in the search bar - should bring up a discussion from about five weeks ago on job hunting on the exit opportunities bowl. Lots of good content to read there.
Mindfulness meditation / yoga has helped me tremendously over the last several years
Would you be interested in knowing about Christianity? I’d love to chat if you DM me
Honestly just want to point the OP to who Jesus Christ is and what He offers. Rather touch upon the fundamental doctrine which unite Christians rather than the differences that have created denominations
I’ve tried a couple SSRIs and stimulants
Have you tried anti depressants? Read some things on ongoing studies on the benefits of psychedelic micro dosing on depression. If my memory serves me correctly, John Hopkins is doing a study on how psilocybin can help with treatment-resistant depression
Posted late and missed all the comments above. But just want to say I’m glad that you’re actively trying to manage your depression and wish you find something that will work for you soon
Nobody here would be qualified to diagnose your issue. Maybe a different therapist or psychiatrist would help, I think it’s a field where there are good and bad practitioners and you also might fit better with one therapist vs. another. There are also a lot of styles of treatment—talk therapy, CBT, etc., and usually a given therapist is partial to using one of them, though others may be more flexible.
Strictly answering your question, some additional things (other than meds per PM1) would include meditation, the self-authoring program (, maybe even psychedelics (ketamine being recently approved to treat depression as one example, but some have experimented with mushrooms, ayauhasca, etc.). See some discussion on this from Tim Ferriss:
I have not tried psychedelics and again, I am not qualified to diagnose your issue, I’m just offering information for you to do your own research.
Meditation and yoga have helped me a lot too
Weed might be a useful tool. I find it helps me to have a more positive experience when I spend time self reflecting/in my head generally
For me moving in with my best friends and having roommates that encourage each other to do better work out eat healthy party etc has helped more than anything else. Move into a job you are passionate about live with your friends work hard and encourage each other. Stop to enjoy life. Take small steps have a goal in mind and make it happen
Get a dog
Not sure they are particularly consulting compatible pets unless you have a stay at home spouse, but they certainly can be a never ending source of joy. I recommend labs.
If you don’t mind sharing, what has your therapy experience been like? Meds aren’t always the answer, figuring out the root cause is the key
Not a good therapist. Check around and maybe ask some friends. I loved mine. She always gave me thoughtful insights of how to effectively approach problems or start changing thought patterns.
Welbutrin has put me in remission for a decade. Have you tried it?
I haven’t I’ll look into that thank you!
I am very sorry to hear that fellow fish. Hmm lets start here what is the root cause? Is there something you can pin point or are there many things
Where you from C1? We could make it work 😉
There’s prob a reason you feel depressed, maybe it’s because there’s this emptiness you’re not sure how to fill? I think it’s because you know something is missing... Where I’m going with this is that maybe what you believe is taking you down a not so happy path... Would be willing to talk to you about this!
Kudos for putting it out there. I dont think anyone mentioned Employee Assistance Program. Very much helped me when I worked for Accenture. They carved out some time for me to rest and get me out of a toxic workplace. They called me on a Thursday and said “pack all your belongings and we will reimburse any additional expenses. I had a great experience. Would love to go back to Accenture but not in the same operating group. EAP can help. Namaste.
Yoga and Nature are my happiness boosters.
Therapy and Boundaries.