I’m taking Antabuse. It’s the only thing keeping me from drinking right now while I’m home for the holidays

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The holidays can be tough. Hang in there and try to stay busy.

I’m gonna hopefully hit up an AA meeting tonight to keep me sane.


Nice work. I will not drink with you today. Do you have other coping strategies? Any meetings you can go to? Any podcast you can get lost in? TV binging


Please reach out if you need someone to talk to. 3 years sober here. I’ve been in your shoes many times.


Not as common, but I took naltrexone in addition to antabuse. It actually decreases the cravings and does it very well.


Antabuse is a great deterrent and I took it for a month when I quit. It’s highly motivating. Over time other approaches took its place. Time away from alcohol is the best gift you can give to yourself this year.


Thanks all! I’ve made it past the worst of it. I’m newly sober and the Antabuse has helped. Starting therapy when I get back home to help get me past need the Antabuse


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