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How many rejections until it gets easier to bear?
Depends. Could you still live your life at the new salary? Bills paid and all that? Would you be drastically affected? If you'd be okay, it's worth at least looking into. Plus you can always negotiate salary if you have the chops to back it up.
I will say that working in tech is also not as shiny as it appears. What draws you to it?
I agree with the views here…if it’s where you want to be you need to acknowledge that you will have to start lower and build…so long you’re able to live without heavily sacrificing, I say go for it and put in the work…lots of folks hop around in tech so it won’t look bad if you decided to move on to try to regain your original salary
It’s short term pain for long term gain…
Levels between companies don't always map the same. Either way if this is a place you'd love to work and grow your career/has great opportunities I would go for it. If you can manage a pay cut if it would happen. And it's just applying now... See what you think as you go through the process and see your (potential) offer.
Thank you for your insight!
Sometimes we need to make sacrifices to get where we want. If this is your opportunity to break into the Tech industry and get your foot in the door then I say take it. You seem motivated so the step down in comp would likely be very temporary. Just remember that you can’t put a price on happiness. If this door closes you may regret not jumping on the opportunity. Good luck!
Thank you!