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Hi Fishes, can someone who has given the interview for a business analyst profile at Epsilon let me know how much time they take to revert if a candidate gets selected in the first round ? I just finished up with the first round which lasted for an hour. In the last the interviewer said that's all she had and if there was anything that i wanted to know.Tata Consultancy Accenture Deloitte Infosys.
Anyone been to HIMSS before? Any tips?
Additional Posts in Consulting Memes
What’s your best timesheet meme?
Great feedback, Chuck.
When even LinkedIn knows how miserable you are
I feel you Michael
How are you spending your weekend?
How I occasionally feel about my contributions.
Story of my life
Couldn’t agree more!
WFH start vs now
Even the dog has to wfh...
My inner monologue is a little rusty
Good night folks !
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Orrrrr, you write a thoughtful piece about your views on implementation consulting and we can provide constructive feedback and discuss the pros and cons like adults?
Sir, in this town square I say what I want. You’re welcome to provide a detailed analysis via ppt, cite your sources, and review with me on zoom. I kid, stay breezy
I doubt OP has ever worked a full shift performing manual labor.
No meme, plz implement.
The liver disease caused by heavy drinking with consulting is self inflicted, black lung is not.
Coal miners get black lung....
It isn't from smoking.
This is not a meme. Please post to the appropriate bowl
THIS IS BRILLIANT....why is everyone here so sensitive lol
There are many flavors of implementation
Always depends on the flavor you are implementing.
Go work in a coal mine and report back.
I don't recall anyone on an implementation project ever worrying about a mine collapse.
Have had family members live through and become injured in a collapse.
But you know same thing.
Visual Storyteller
“Without action, the world would be just an idea”. John Doriot, Founder of INSEAD.
Ironically, despite his B school being the biggest feeder for MBB in Europe, his most famous quotation essentially undermines jobs that only propose ideas and do not deliver action.