Incase it makes you feel better

I learned to just deal
Anyone in fashion tech ?
What is going on with BB ?? Should I sell?
Is rivian a buy at this price?
Loaded TDOC at 64 today. Thanks. GLTA.
Any 1-5B stocks for the long haul??
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Your loss rivals my AIP gains !!!
$113,000 in Robinhood? I would never.
@Citrix 1. Because Robinhood is small. Do you remember the fiasco at the beginning of the year with GameStop? Robinhood was literally running out of money and couldn’t keep up. They manage billions of dollars, yes. Do you know who didn’t have any issues? Fidelity and Vanguard. Trillions of dollars in investments. Robinhood has a great, basic user interface that’s easy to understand and easy to trade with. That’s fine for people who want to derp around in the stock market. For those of us who want to push further than that, you have options like Fidelity Active Trader, TD Ameritrade’s Think or Swim. Powerful software tools for investors. These are just a couple of reasons why you might want to use a big broker over Robinhood.
Can I ask the personal question of what are you all time? This picture (even though it’s short term) always scares me to get started in investing. But I bet you’re all time is positive gains?
The right time to start is always 5 years earlier than you did. Wish I had.
Also- I recommend starting out with some sort of passive portfolio picker like Schwab intelligent portfolios until you get the hang of things. They'll build you something based on your preferences and you can start with like $5k. That's how I did it in my 20s and was pretty happy with it.
Another red day.
What are your holdings
Lots of high beta stocks, stocks bought to earn premium for covered calls etc. primarily EV, Chinese listed , Top tech ( msft, NVDA ) etc
I’ve lost more
You made 50% in 4 years but complaining about the last month
I’ve lost 99% in the last 6 years. Lots of people much worse off. I’ve lost over 100k
That sounds incredibly boring nvidia
If you’re spooked, just stick to big indexes
Rising Star
VTSAX does the trick.
Sir, this is Wendy’s
Stonks only go up. Hedgies are squeezing hard.
Up $6k 😬 today
Buy more
Oh that's not so bad! Just wait until it goes up again
I put in $400 and got this 😂😂😂
P.S. it’s not the gains, some issue with app showing the 1000x coin balance