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Tata Consultancy Tech Mahindra Currently i am working with Tata consultancy and serving last month of notice period, about to join Tech Mahindra next month as a Project Manager (P1)
I don't know why i am getting 2nd thought and doubt to leave TCS and join TechM.
Can anyone please help and clarify my doubts. Is it a good decision to leave TCS and Join TechM at this moment.
Job security is main concern 😟
Year of Experience - 14
Currentl Salary- 28 lacs
Future Salary- 40 lacs
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9/26 - 9/30 Weekly Thread:
Additional Posts in Salary Negotiations
Interviewing for a Lead FIU Analyst position with Silicon Valley Bank. Looking for some insight regarding the culture and trajectory of the company. Additionally, would anyone happen to have the pay range for this role. Please see attached req. Valley Bank
5% more should definitely be doable depending on the role, but you can even shoot for 10% more. I would recommend being honest about how excited you are for the role while also mentioning the significant life changes taking it on would bring. Mention the number you want with these reasons backing it up and how you’d be happy to accept with that target compensation.
Never hurts to try
Never take the first offer