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Hi Everyone,I need assistance deciding whether to give up my search for in-house counsel and start something else. I applied for over 1300+ positions since August 2021. Since then, I have gotten some interviews but no job. I have a unique background Accounting 8+ years, Law for 4+. I don't get much feedback from interviewers. LinkedIn if background helps. Thanks!
Rising Star
So… discord?
Any tips????
Community Builder
i'd say get to know the product as intimately as you can and read up on the industry. there should be some articles out there around the legal implications of live chat applications and some interesting stuff to read on gaming law generally. + talking up any knowledge and experience on general tech contracting, advising on new releases and product features, any experience on privacy counseling would be good!
Rising Star
Get to know the product and how it overcomes limitations existing in the market and the issues it solves and creates, as well as the legal ramifications.
A great example is cross-platform gaming. It used to be that if you wanted to play a multiplayer game with your mates, you all had to buy a copy of the game AND all be playing on the same console/machine. But now, pals can play the same game simultaneously while one is on an Xbox, one a PlayStation, one a Switch, one on a PC. But an issue this creates is communication. Most consoles have a built in platform to create parties of users where every member can stay in the same game and also use voice chat. But that doesn’t work for cross-platform. Further, while games may have built a manner that allows cross-platform playing they may not have voice chat. Some don’t want it for the liability (pedos, or general harassment- this is why Nintendo generally doesn’t allow any voice communication or free text). Some may not be able to deliver a high end product and shelve it instead. Hence, a need for a product allowing friends to communicate across platforms. Enter Discord.
A second useful example- because voice chat is one of the key features they provide, they’re able to specialize and deliver a high quality product that is better than the what console manufacturers offer (because manufacturers are providing thousands of features). E.g. Friends using Xbox’s standard party voice chat may experience noise artifacts, crackling, annoyances like ceiling fans and heavy breathing, or distortion from cheap microphones, etc. By comparison, using Discord through an xbox (using the same cheap microphones) provides a crystal clear experience.
Those little MF’ers have my gratitude!!!
out of curiosity -- comp and YOE?
as others have said, get familiar with the product. think about privacy issues you'd encounter on the job, be ready to talk about them
What should the comp be?