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How many Bearded Bros in the business? 🦁🦁
The Holy Quran is a good one on that list
ooh what’s it about?
sultan of hearts, got it
OP - I think basic Islamic education revolves around a few things. Seerah, basic creedal issues, and the fiqh (jurisprudence) around worship (prayer, fasting, and some zakah).
For Seerah I would recommend at the most basic level there is "when the moon split". Then there is the sealed nectar and Muhammad by martin lings. If you want to go audio Yasir Qadhi has a Seerah series that is very good.
For Basic creedal issues, I would recommend reading the translation of surah al-anaam.
For fiqh if you have a preference of madhab i can guide you accordingly.
For Historical non-fiction: "No God but God" by Reza Aslan. Absolutely riveting book covering the entire history of Islam.
Otherwise for other Islamic knowledge I recommend Nouman Ali Khan and Umar Suleiman.
If I may hijack, any recommendations on Islamic history books (ideally available on Audible)?
Broooo! ‘40 rules of love’ made me feel like there was a place for a sinner like me in our religion.
By Islamic I meant books on the seerah, the sahaba, aqidah, fiqh, etc. Books that teach the important things that a Muslim should know about their religion in order to live a righteous life. In terms of seerah, I read Sultan of hearts which I liked a lot and now looking to build off of that.
OP what have you read up-till now?
Wrote above