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How many times can you take the Oracle exam?
I need 11 hearts to unlock dm😌
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Hi everyone!
The startup I’m with is growing fast and we are hiring Tech recruiters with at least 5yrs of experience:
I’m with them now for 3 months and I never felt as psychologically safe as I feel now — our Head of Talent is incredible, so as our leadership team as a whole. We have a true collaborative culture, and I am learning a lot with them. If you have any questions, feel free to DM or email me at :)
It’s a huge shift. I recently got laid off and it’s so hard to find another internal role
Everyone’s getting laid off
Which industries?
I assumed I was the only person who noticed. I have begun to notice multiple cryptic posts claiming that many workers have been let off for the last three days. I'm curious why this is the case.
Main reason is because the economy is tanking!
Yes! I think everyone who thought the economy would be up forever and they could continue job hopping has found themselves still looking....
Yes. This is due to several mass employee reduction and anxious employees who were so afraid that their company might close anytime. So they've been jumping companies to secure positions.
Yes we have had a HUGE shift. Even in the last couple weeks thins have gotten crazy. i think so many companies are doing layoffs that everyone is in the market for a new role right now.
Yeah, we've seen an uptick but with so many layoffs happening at major companies, I guess this should expected
Layoffs are a big reason for it. Are you fully remote? That might be another reason
I’m not a recruiter, but have been in corporate got years. It’s going closer to the end of the fiscal year for most companies. Hiring freezes and layoffs are a simple way for companies to get the financials /profit up and make investors happy for the year. Aug -Nov is all about trimming down expenses and balancing the next year’s budget for most corporate companies. Unfortunately it’s nothing new, just have to make it through off your plan on staying in corporate world.
Yes! Hiring for a Software Sales position recently and had 300+ applicants — definitely unprecedented for us. It’s been a tough market with lots of layoffs and uncertainty which is causing a lot of people on the market.