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Hi All,
I have been applying for Business Analyst role at McKinsey & Company and analyst role at Bain & Company and Boston Consulting Group from last 6-7 months but they never proceeded with my profile or even scheduled an interview.
Can someone please guide how should I enhance my profile.
I saw few sites who help with consulting profiles but they don't seem trustworthy and asking a lot of money.
If you want to look at my resume, cover letter, please dm, happy to hear your comments.
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I can see the moral issue with doing it but if it dips into an executive making an 8 figure bonus I don’t feel as bad. Aggregate markups from US businesses have hit an all time percent increase on top of cost inflation. Our vendor partners have increase an average of 50% over the last 18 months and our markups have gone up. Employees should be making more. I’m not on commission but industry standard is 3%. I’ve closed $11M in business YTD and I’m anticipating compensation of $150k. So well below standard because we have other supporting staff; estimators, purchasers, project managers, etc. that dip into our payroll and have already gotten mid year raises by sending in other job offers
I don’t doubt your value and that you are worth more. That is not the issue with trying to use another offer to get more money out of your current employer. If you get a counteroffer and stay with the company, your relationship with them will be different from that point on. They will think of you as someone who had their eye on the door and played hardball with them. That can come back and bite you later on in numerous ways in your future there (promotion opps, when it is time for layoffs etc.).
Second scenario is you don’t get the counteroffer. If the other job is one you really did not want, you will be forced to take it.
It is kind of a lose-lose situation. Just go for a job you really want and that pays more and leave your current one.
I’d try to work it out with your current employer first. Everyone is right that it’s dangerous to try to leverage with a job you may not like. But keep in mind the market is hot right now, so there’s real opportunity to increase income AND find a job that’s right for you.
Never leverage a job offer you're not willing to take. Companies are not required to try to retain you. So the answer is no for me and I hope no one is interviewing for that purpose.
I wouldn’t really try to get another offer as leverage against a current employer. I would use an offer to negotiate other offers
Subject Expert
Consultant1 is correct. NEVER leverage a job offer you’re not willing to take.
If your employer says no, then what? Are you going to stay anyway? If you stay, you’ll look like a fool and lose all your credibility.
Why not just ask for the increase and like other people have said if you don't plan to leave don't try to leverage another job. Won't end well 😭