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I got rejected in 3rd technical round of Morgan Stanley however I had answered 95% of question asked with accuracy which interviewer agreed , also 3rd round was quite easy comparative to 2nd round which lasted for 2 hrs & had only coding
Felt nepotism and negative vibes from the 3rd round panel . I am not saying because I was rejected but this is something one can feel by facial expression .
Please let me know your opinion. Thank you.
Morgan Stanley Amazon Tata Consultancy Goldman Sachs IBM
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Why are markets pumping today?
Anyone think QQQ will hit $342 by 5/14?
5/25 Thread (General):
Here we go again

9/26 - 9/30 Weekly Thread:
BC - making another run at JWN puts?
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Post your morning tickers - $ABVC, $WKHS
Near term (1-2 months) not sure where we go, but with the election and general fall trends we should see more volatility and volume, which could mean big swings to the downside and subsequent rebounds the upside.
I will say this though - every time we have been in a situation like this with elevated stock prices, bubble, whatever you want to call it, people make a case why this time is different and why stocks will continue to rise no matter what and no correction is near. Over time, they will be proven wrong and the markets will correct. If you are bearish, being in a cash position like you are is best, and maybe swing trading stocks and options.
Thanks STA1, I will try 2-3 days range with option trades. I kind of let them sit for a while and that’s the problem.