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Hi Fishes, I have 6 year of experience in networking at a package of 12 LPA as a base and 1 LPA as a variable in Cisco as a Consulting engineer. I always heard that Cisco pay scale is better than most of companies. I thought that I am underpaid, please clear my doubt on this and let me know how much CTC will be suits for me as per market standards ? Thanks in advance !!!!
What will be mine take home salary?

Not necessarily. It’s up to you. Some people would love a position like that. Others would’ve left less than a year in. You have to figure out what’s right for you
I totally understand this, I've been thinking of making a switch to a closely related field
Rising Star
Yes - don’t get complacent. Plenty of opportunities for growth and for you to sharpen your skill sets.
Personally I would not get complacent in my career as it does not help with growth and industry/market skills change . However it’s really up to you ; you need to ask yourself are you happy there, and is this what you want to do ?
There is nothing wrong if it is , we all have different personalities and ambitions in life.
If it is , find ways to grow with what you do, the scope of what you cover with your boss .. and together create a growth and development plan to benefit you in the role you are in.
This is one of struggles I am facing. When looking at job postings, I noticed my job uses different platforms and skills than most companies require for data analyst positions. I've learned my lesson that I should keep up the latest skills in demand.
You need to ask yourself what you want to become as a person and/or professionally. Start with you. whether that involves staying where you are depends on the answer to that question.
There’s no right or wrong answer from an outside perspective
Eventually if you shake yourself up and down hard enough, the truth comes out. Good luck!
I think regardless of tenure - if you feel like you are stagnant in your current position and it's not conducive to or progressing toward your career stage plan it might be time to make the change. ;-)
This is not a question. It's not even a matter of if you like what you're doing. Of course, you'd like it because you're used to it and know all the nooks and cranies. It is long overdue that you not only leave the position but switch companies. Not only will you get a higher pay (most likely) but you'd be challenging yourself to learn more, progress more, be more productive.
@DA, keep at it. It's not easy, but will happen.
Get your resume professionally reviewed.
Approach your interview with confidence not nervousness (you have a job currently, so even if it doesn't work out, you won't be on the streets - so be nervous).
Watch YouTube videos about the field you're interested in to learn more of latest trends.
Try to engage people on LinkedIn who are in the same field and in companies you like.
Wait it out. Don't give up. It took me 2 years of searching and interviewing to leave my first job out of college and now, recruiters reach out to me on a regular. Keep going until you get it. You're not defeated.
6 years in the same company as well? Or same role in different companies?
I've been applying for jobs for a little over six months but haven't had much luck so far
Wait until 10 years in the same position with no growth before you make a decision on whether or not it’s a bad sign
You're in Data Analytics? No, this is one of the best careers out there! You need to switch companies/jobs/industries if you still actually like DS, go get the 💰💰!!
I've noticed a lot of people trying to get into this field and from my experience I am underpaid and was pretty burnt out last year. It could definitely be I need a change of environment.
I was in the same position as you: I was with the same company for 12 years. Every 4th year, I switched different roles: assistant, area manager and then account manager. I realized, I hated the industry I am in 😬 if you’re unhappy, start making moves now.
I'm glad you got to experience different departments. I've actually asked to switch departments but was basically told it would be more work for everyone because my lack of skills to work in IT and that the department wasn't hiring at the moment.
Yes… I left my job recently after 4.5 years and zero promotions. It took me about a 1.5 years of on & off interviewing (turned down a few offers too) and found a great job and the timing was perfect. Patience is key and go with your gut. You’ll find the right role.