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ATK partners have the potential to eff up your brains. I have received the most meaningless feedback from ATK partners. I wish I could state the feedback on this forum because it will out me. They push their insecurities on junior ranks and overreact on minor things. Barring a few, most don't give an eff about the negative impact they are having on their consultants.
Agree. Thank you. I try to take feedback from only those that matter. We unfortunately have a lot of partners that are a mess and full of themselves.
Yes. I came as an experienced hire yet I find my experience is not valued. The final straw is my experience being rejected - for a BD effort!
My response is look at the firm that will likely get the work...haha
Ultra competitive environment. Comes with a lot of deflection and just ass holes in general.
I don’t really -___-
I think I’m going to industry
I think it eventually teaches you to take yourself less seriously
My job has made me way more insecure and it is negatively affecting how I do
Find a good manager that cares about you and will protect you from partner BS mentioned above. It changed my experience entirely. I was ready to quit after 6 months of being beat down and made to feel like a total idiot every day. Once you find good people to work with, it will change your life. You are not alone. We all go through this it seems. Every time I tell someone about my experience, they all say “yup, my first 6 months were the same!”. Unfortunately we say we heave a great apprenticeship model, but in reality we through consultants in to the deep end and expect them not to drown without ever giving them even a basic swimming lesson. Silver lining: I do believe leadership realizes this and is trying to fix. Good luck OP, remember: what others think of you does not define you
Thanks! I do agree that we have some great people at the firm!
My ability to deal with all this nonsense you are describing and filter it for grains of truth to the best of my abilities actually boosts my confidence and lowers insecurities.!
Guys - I would suggest that don't fall in MBB trap. They have mixed bags too. I suggest doing your due diligence. Also, success is a factor or business conditions, clients you interact with and many other factors not in your control. Don't sweat it.
I’ve had the opposite experience. I came from industry and consulting has made me more secure in my work and more serious. I always strive to go above and beyond. I know that my leadership wants me to better so I take their critical advice and grown tremendously with it. I just don’t take things personal.... it’s typical not. we are results driven