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Are they being forced to eat at desk or are they choosing to do so? I would eat at my desk and work so I could leave early.
If you have to work and eat at same time to meet deadlines then speak up. If the culture of the place is such that no changes are made then you may have to look elsewhere
This is everyone in my office. We all eat and work at the same time. There is no one making us do it but we all do it. If I have out of office lunch plans I definitely have to block my calendar or someone will schedule something during it. You’re right though we should probably get away from it all for a few.
Lol what. Is this your first job? I don’t understand what’s so shocking about seeing people take their lunch at their desk.
What would make it illegal?
This CA law is applied to non-exempt employees - meaning people who are not salaried, but hourly paid. This will not apply to the majority of GS employees. So it's not relevant.
Personally I suggest scheduling "catch-up" over lunch to kill 2 birds/1 stone.
FYI article:,second%2030%2Dminute%20meal%20break.
A lot fo coworkers of mine (including myself on occasion) eat while working just to keep up with our work load. It sucks, and yeah, I'm sure its bad for our health, but sometimes that crunch time just doesn't allow us time to step away.
I know. It sucks, to be honest. I think productivity is also affected by not taking real breaks.
Hmm I don't know that it is illegal. I often eat in front of my computer because I like to get work done while eating and kind of multi-task. But nobody is requiring me to do so.
I get that but at the same time, I've never really cared what my coworkers think of me hahaha.
I know! It is sad. I'm not a doctor, but I'm pretty sure that can affect your health somehow.
Don’t think anyone is being forced to eat at their desks.
I don't think someone will force you. I meant that the system, including upper management, thinks it is normal to do it. They also glorify that type of action as if it is something good.
Unless you're being required by admin to work during break time, I wouldn't consider it as illegal. If it's because of the heavy workload, discuss it with your supervisor/boss. If that's not the case, perhaps they just prefer to work while eating.
Did they do it on their own terms? Or is your boss asking them to for deadline purposes? But according to FLSA, employers aren't required to provide lunch breaks to their employees in other districts.
I’ve got kids so I’ll do this and leave early. Not 100% of the time, but why not; it’s more efficient if mid-task and I’ll take breaks at other times.
Please try considering other perspectives or reasons before judging as ‘sad’.
Is it still their lunch break or not? Because if it is, this should not be legal. That break should be compensated.
There is no such thing as a “lunch break” when salaried.
All of us are salary. Hourly must take a lunch.