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You say you work on different areas, so to me it sounds like this is exactly why they’re asking. I had a job where I was asked to do this so we could get an idea of expenses per project/business unit. I did it every Friday with estimates for the % of time I spent on each one. My guess is you shouldn’t overthink it.
I wouldn’t work somewhere that required me to track and report my time lol
Depends on the company. At ours we need to be billable to clients for at least 80% every week. Grinds my gears
My current client thinks timesheets are the stupidest thing since bread on toast but we’ve all gotta do the song and dance. As a PM who’s focused on outcomes instead of outputs I couldn’t agree more
Honestly if as a manager you’re not comfortable with reporting your hours you should question your skill set as a manager. I know it may not be comfortable, but the reasoning behind it should be clear as ice
Time and money waits/cares for none. If it offends you this much, then get an EA to do it for you. One word, DELIGATE.
I’ve only had one PM position in my career, so I can only speak to my one experience, but I’d guess every company is different. Each quarter my PM group gives a rough estimate/prediction of our weekly allocation of time across all the products we touch. It is pretty high level- example: during Q1 I estimated 5%, 10%, 30%, 35%, 20% time allocation for this quarter across the 5 projects I lead depending on their product life cycle. Might be off by a little bit in reality, but I think ultimately as long as PMs feel comfortable reporting the reality of their loading to execs it can be a useful metric without adding an additional tedious hour to your week.
Personally, I think it is ridiculous. Is it abnormal? Not necessarily. It depends on the company but many require this.
I've done it before, and it got confusing fast. I'm assuming you might be working at an agency or something where clients are being billed? Otherwise, I'm not sure why it's needed
I’ve had to do timesheets before and I will say it was never accurate. It was an administrative task that was required, but not important. I typically filled it out as “close enough” and laughed that leadership thought it was accurate 😂😂😂😂
Depends on the policy or how they want to track the work (assumed vs actuals). We used to not and then they decided everyone top down would. I keep a tally in my calendar so it's an easy daily breakdown for me by end of week. It's also a bit tedious because they want you to hit a specific percentage capex vs opex which doesn't work in reality. 😔