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Desi girls please don’t be like Vandana 😂
Can someone recommend a good dentist out here?
A year out of undergrad at the client site like...
Desi girls please don’t be like Vandana 😂
It’s hard but not impossible. My labor was too fast that I was unable to get any kind of meds. From what I’ve heard, an epidural slows down your labor, and it can be harder to push if you can’t feel contractions. Even though natural labor was painful, I don’t think I would opt for painkillers in the future. My recovery was very quick and I was able to walk and eat right after. I also only pushed for 45 mins and 20 of those minutes were because she was stuck
This might sound crazy but it actually worked for me. I read supernatural birth by Jackie Mize and it totally changed my labor. First labor, I was dilating for about 8 hours, pushed for 15 minutes. Second labor, I dilated while I took a nap and pushed for 3 minutes. Third labor, I dilated throughout the day but wasn't monitoring it. Felt really strong contractions on the way to the hospital for about 30 minutes, pushed for 3 minutes. Not trying to sound like some super mom just sharing how the book helped change my labor patterns.
My wife did unmedicated labor until she was 9.5 cm dilated and finally decided to take epidural before pushing the baby out because honestly she was super tired and the pain was getting way too much to handle. One thing that we observed - the epidural slowed down her labor a little. Her contractions started spacing out post the epidural. Thankfully, it was already time to push (the pushing lasted 3 hours) and she is so thankful that she took the epidural since she says she did not feel a lot of pain during delivery.
Also, I would 100% recommend Bradley classes if you want to go for unmedicated delivery! They immensely helped my wife prepare for the birth
That’s a loaded question and there are so many factors. First labor is “always the hardest”.
Yes it’s painful but doesn’t mean you can’t do it naturally. Nor do you have to decide beforehand what you end up doing! Epidural will def help the pain but depending on your situation could possibly slow you down.
I recommend looking into hypnobirthing to learn about how fear can effect your body and all the wonderful things your body is capable of doing on its own. Establish a birth plan but be flexible.
I really wanted a natural birth but after 24 hours of naturally laboring to the point of pushing (on minimal sleep and food), I had to get epidural to rest before pushing again.
Good luck!
For those using the term “natural”, please consider the term unmedicated. Pain management doesn’t make a vaginal delivery unnatural.
I guess the terminology is a personal choice. My birth experience was mostly natural but required unnatural interventions towards the end. Either way I had a vaginal birth.
I birthed unmedicated for 36 hours at 8cm until an emergency c-section. The mental toughness is one aspect. Check out Rachel Yellen and get serious about breathing and meditation. Physically it’s rough. I used a tens machine and my husband learned massage technique. Minor bit helpful distractions. I made sure to have a room with a bathtub to ease some of the pain. Good luck!