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Thoughts on Koniag Government Services?
“Please stop putting a Major or Lt Col. (despite their devotion, exceptional attitude, and culture) in charge of ICAM, Zero Trust or Cloud for 1 to 4 million users when they have no previous experience in that field – we are setting up critical infrastructure to fail.”
Studying for it right now. Working on exam 3 then 2 then 1. Taking exam 3 in two weeks - I started reading the study guide two weeks ago (2 hours after work). I'm worried about exam 2 because I didn't take an accounting course in college and it's the biggest book - I might spend a month and half reading the study guide.
CGFM is worth it because most govt agencies like it and some contracts require it.
Do you want to continue with FM work for a long time? If so it’s worth it. If you don’t plan to do FM work for a number of years it’s not worth much, would be much better to get a PMP.
I secured my CGFM in July and started the process in January. I did the exams in order. For each one, I read the book and then purchased and studied the practice exams and then reread a section which I had difficulty. I passed each exam on my first attempt, although my experience in the field made the 1st and 3rd sections relatively easy.
As for the worth, in the Government FM field, it's the gold standard. It is one of the most challenging certifications I have pursued in my career. I did not know until after I secured it that you have to earn 80 hours of CPE every two years. So the maintenance of his cert is a real bitch and takes a lot of drive and commitment. Personally, I put this certification on the same level as the CPA. If you are looking for an easier path, I would look into getting your PMP or an Agile cert.