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Verizon. This company only cares about numbers and does not promote based on how good you are. Office politics plays a bigger role. Verizon schedules your schedule based on their needs and not on yours. You are just a number at this company. I was told to sell a credit card to a poor man who couldn't afford to pay his next rent payment so that he can buy accessories. Verizon talks about "integrity" But that's just BS. I have never worked for a company it morally so corrupt.
Yes, even though the tech market is dominated by computer science degrees, many SE doesn't have a computer science degree. The best way is to go to a startup where you can start taking on more responsibilities and then jump into a larger company.
Yes, there is. You don't have to necessarily have a computer science degree. Engineers can be good in different areas even if it's not normally the program they are specialized to work on with. You'll be surprised there lots of opportunities for engineers especially in the field of tech.
Also many boot camps can help learn the essentials
Bootcamps are common, but it is getting more competitive without a degree as well. You might also check out data analyst careers
Plug for a buddy of mine who started the best SE/presale community.
Presales Collective.
Great community, great training, everything. If you're interested in the profession, start there.
Totall agree with bootcamps. You can also get some certifications. Some companies also value certs so you'll have a chance for sure.