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Cheers all! Enjoy your Saturday night.
Hi to all the people who are living alone with a dog.
i want to know How do you manage your dog while going to office?
Where do you keep them while you are out.?
Any other dos and donts. I am planning to adopt one , I am just learning as much as possible before i welcome a innocent life to give him fantastic life Infosys
I would join!
So would I!
Just created one :-), feel free to join:
Oh wow! That's what I'm talking about. Joining this bowl immediately! Can't wait to share and get some tips from you all in the bowl. Need some Christmas recipes.
I’d join too!
Yes there is one, actually! That's where I got some of my new favorite recipes for Thanksgiving weeks ago.
#MoskowitzCooks but it doesn't look as active
I didn't know until I stumbled upon this post. Thank you for creating one, OP! Looking forward to interact with you soon in that bowl.