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Hi Fishes ,
I had joined in TCS today (14th Nov )
Below might be the reasons for DOJ delays for the TCS as per discussions with different people in office and HR
1. We might not initiated the BGC from ibegin portal ( we need to submit documents then only BGC will be initiated)
2. BGC might not be completed / failed with different reasons
3. BGC may take at least 30-45 days to complete
At last I saw few people waiting for Joining more than a month and am not sure on what might be that issue Tata Consultancy
Hi Guys,
Please give me likes to enable DM
This is making me extremely uncomfortable

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Because while it sounds good it would have many problems. It would likely mean everyone getting paid the same. High performers would likely get paid the same as low performers. Low performers would be hard to get rid of. It could certainly be a double edged sword.
Rising Star
100% this
Unionization would help low performers and hurt high performers.
it will never happen
Greedy 🐷
People aren't career staff. It's designed so you move into management and out of a role that could be unionized quickly. If there was a massive amount of people content with being Associates for life then unionization would be on the table.
Well this post used to be quarterly…looks like we are moving to monthly.
If we were unionized, everyone would get paid the same, we would get paid more, we would have better benefits, we would have better hours. It would reduce many types of pay inequity. That's the history of what unions do.
We would spend less time asking how much someone in a specific city and sub service line makes at a particular rank. There would be less questions about when bonuses and pay raises are because we would know. The union would make sure we all had raises that beat inflation. In fact, if we had been unionized over the last 20 years, our starting salaries would be twice as high.
There is nothing to stop people at all levels of the company, besides partners, from being a part of a union. Managers could be a part of a union. They would definitely be outnumbered by staff and seniors. Managers are employees. We say that they have more power, and they do, but they don't own the company or get to decide what your pay raises are or how much your benefits cost. Partners do that.
Anyone telling you that unions don't help with labor conditions doesn't actually understand what unions do OR is working on behalf of someone trying to get you to hate unions because the firms want you to hate unions. Firms try to shut down unions because they help employees.
The biggest thing stopping Big 4 from unionizing is people thinking that unions are only for blue collar workers and that white collar workers are somehow okay with abusive working conditions and being at work 70 hours a week like something out of the 1920s factory life. So many white collar workers crap on people working in fast food like they don't deserve basic rights AND also these same white collar workers don't think Big 4 need unions because working busy season year round and never seeing your family and struggling to pay your graduate school student loans is something to be proud of? Make it make sense.
Unions are where the 40 hour work week and weekends off came from. Before that it was 16 hours days 6 or 7 days a week. Does that sound familiar to anyone? Tell me Big 4 doesn't need a union lol.