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Hi all - S& reached out to me about an interview with a “new” Corporate Development Services team that is part of / a spin-off from their Deals Strategy team. Post-MBA role.
I can’t find much online, especially S& specific. Does anyone have any insights on the team / group. What the work looks like, what the staffing model is etc?
My background is corporate finance and I would be interested in returning to that post-consulting, so it feels like a good fit. Thoughts or advice?
PwC Strategy&
Additional Posts in Personal Investment Chatter
Does Bank of America do a Mega Back door 401K?
There will be practically no difference over time between VTSAX and a SP 500 fund. I would use VTSAX because it is more diversified
Could have fooled me. Mine are down. Maybe not as bad since they are not as growth heavy.
Time in the mkt > timing the mkt
VTSAX is always a buy. It’s like asking - is economy good in US today? Is GDP good today? Is crime low today? Is unemployment low today?